How'd it go today?

Charon Ohio

I boogied up to Chardon yesterday and saw two new worlds records set for cutting 8 by 8's . Got to see some folks I hadn't seen for a while and had a good time although I about froze to death.Danged Ohio weather can change so fast due to those great inland seas called the Great Lakes .


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My friday landed on monday this week. Four days of 7:30am to 7:30pm, and now 4 days off. Well not really, got a trim tomorrow, but that's more like fun these days.
Now I'm eyeballing a really nice looking ms880 on my local craigslist for $600.00. I know it's a good price, but I don't think I need it. I want a 660.
Last half of the day I deadwooded a magnificent sycamore, my 30' sling just barely made it around the trunk with enough tail to timber hitch it.

It was tricky to get around in because it didn't have a central leader but fun all the way. Super healthy, just some big stubs to remove. My black pants are white from the pollen.
Nope, port a wrap, had to lower a big piece over a fence... 12' long, 15" dia. and almost completely hollow. Cool piece of wood.

SRT just doesn't float my boat, too much stuff. I footlock the double for access.
I boogied up to Chardon yesterday and saw two new worlds records set for cutting 8 by 8's . Got to see some folks I hadn't seen for a while and had a good time although I about froze to death.Danged Ohio weather can change so fast due to those great inland seas called the Great Lakes .

Al, you have all the fun!
Now I'm eyeballing a really nice looking ms880 on my local craigslist for $600.00. I know it's a good price, but I don't think I need it. I want a 660.
Those big guns,Stihl 088 ,Huskey 3120 are big woodeaters but in truth they don't get used that much .

I 'm not in the tree biz but my buddy is and he has an 084 that actually doesn't get used much more than my 125 Macs .In my opinion you will get way more usage from the 066 sized saw.
I use my 660 way more than the 88, although the 88 comes out for bucking up big wood (4'+) otherwise it lives in the shop.
I took out 4 soquel redwoods in a backyard yesterday. One was pretty good size the other three were small. Really windy here yesterday, on the way home my neighbor's tree had blown over and was in the road and I had gotten a call from the other neighbor who was taking the wood and we stopped and cut up the trunk with my 660.
Tom brought his chipper out for me to lend a watchfull eye to adjust the new governer he needed. Well that went well except for brush to run to check the settings .

What happened next would not likely happen in a million years .As luck would have it,just as we finished the gov. a line clearing crew came down the neighbors drive to clear the secondaries .They ran their brush through Tom's chipper as I watched the tach and tweeked the adjustment screws .Worked well, not likely to be repeated in such a timely manner ever again .:|:
Good deal on the chipper/ brush timing, Al. I love it when stuff just happens better than I could ever plan it.

Another great day today. My friend Mike and I teamed up on a big climbing job. We had a big multi trunk camphor removal by the pool, 3-4 smaller removals over the shed and pumphouse, and 2 big laurel oaks that got a few limbs removed over the house. We had 4 groundmen between us and we kept them hustling all day. I was impressed with how well everyone was working, everybody was busting ass and the job went very smoothly except for the one 3' chunk I dropped on the chain link fence. :cry:
I'll pick up a new top rail and fix it Thursday.
I feel kinda bad cuz I killed a beautiful live oak. The roots were undermining the foundation, sad. No crane, all climbing.
I cabled an Ash-Winds were gusting to about 30 by the time I got down. Cleaned up there and went and slew some innocent little peaches, pruned an apple and a pear and a bunch of grapes. 84 degrees here today and blowing madly-still 68* 2 hours after sundown. Wild fires are raging between here and Co Sprgs and at Ordway, CO. Possible snow is forecast for tomorrow night. What a ride!
Felt good to slaughter a silver maple this morning, home by noon, but was still a low bid.
Feeling kinda bummed cuz my Dad had to put down a really sweet friendly cat that we've had for 13 years. He lost weight, so we took him to the vet and found his liver wasn't working right, his red and white blood cell counts were all screwed, he had bowel and digestion trouble and the vet recommended he be euthanized.

Anyways, if any of you guys don't get Arbor Age, and Tree Care Industry magazines, get yourself a free subscription. I haven't read either in a couple years, but I remember both of them being good mags and have been meaning to subscribe for a while.
I went by the armory to bull crap with some soldiers and link up with the recruiter. We set up a time for today to start process but my wife is just to scared. No worries, two jobs to bid today and line up for this week. My regular boss is just to abusive and unethical a company to work for. I will have to find another contract and continue on my own. I'm in my 40's now and just realizing that the person I married does give a frigg about me. Probably the only one in the world, least thats how it feels, least I have one!
Well you have a family of sorts here at the TreeHouse Robert, don't forget that.
God I love days like today! 2 jobs, less than 2 hours and $750.00 in the pocket.:rockon:

Gee, what should I do now?:/:

What's that you say.... I should go fishing.... you're right I should!;)

Thanks for the suggestion guys!:D
Well you have a family of sorts here at the TreeHouse Robert, don't forget that.

as dysfunctional as it may be:|:

I had a great day! The sun is shining, almost 70*:D

Had a walk through of a big road construction project in the AM, I just love telling engineers they can go F-themselves if they think I'm going to approve removals of perfectly healthy trees---back to the drawing board boys...:P

Then I had some calls to make so I got a nice stogie and parked myself on a bench in the Public Gaaden.

A friend of mine is doing an inventory of the Gaaden and I happened to bump into her so we had a quick lunch and talked about some of the tree "issues" in the park.

Took the long way back to the shop to check up on some parks and bikini permits;)

Now I'm here on the TH waiting for the schoolbell to ring.

Great day, makes me glad I didn't quit on Monday when all he!! was breaking loose!