How'd it go today?

You should definately check it out, the job description says;

You are an accomplished tree climber, a certified arborist with three years minimum experience and academic training in arboriculture. An equivalent combination of education and experience may be considered.
I can move around so that's good. Raking hurts and picking up my left leg to put on my pants hurts. Everything else is OK.
charge extra or give a discount for that? :lol: take it easy big guy, put those young fellas on the ladder, thats why they are there
Finished a "2 day" solo pruning job today, except it wasn't 2 days.

Yesterday I am chugging along on day 2, when out of the blue the spring on my Marvin pole pruner decided to break. I only had maybe 3 more hours worth of work, and i was 45 minutes away from home-goddamn it. Odds have it Home Depot won't have such a heavy duty spring, so I leave the job and purchase a "snap cut" pruner head from Vermeer. It only cost $44 with the adapter and my old boss had one over 15 years old. Simple yet effective.

This ordeal forced me to go back today, and burn 2+ unnecessary extra hours. Now my back is soar from being on a orchard ladder around 16 total hrs. What are the odds that the little spring would brake? Lesson learned, buy 2 of everything.
thats tree work. today wife and I went to a hurding thing. Grace is real good (she is one of the dogs) I was just a spectator. they go tomoro and Im working at a vet clinic and monday I pick up my new-ish pickup
GMC serria king cab 4x4 black with a cap and a spray in bed liner
My back has been getting steadily more and more aggrevated the last couple of weeks so yesterday when one of my guys showed up with a nose bleed I said screw it. We're ahead of schedule let's take the day off. So I have been laid up in bed until this afternoon and now I feel pretty good. I had a contract climber guy coming today so I had to escort him over to the job site and get him started and then I have been in bed the rest of the day watching the history channel. Thanks Brendon, you reminded me that I could use a couple more of those springs also.
Oddly enough I worked in pants today and finished the two jobs I put off the day after my spill. It was around 70 degrees today for the first time and it really helped ease my stiffness.

Haley and I have been reading James and the Giant Peach. We finished it last night and tonight we got popcorn and red vines and we all cozied up and watched the movie. It was nice. I think we are going to read The Wizard of Oz next. I think we'll wait a few years on the movie though. That one scared the dickens out of me as a kid.
Ahhh Darin, do you know that the Wizard of Oz books are numerous?

Tick Tock of oz, Dorothy and the wizard of Oz, the Road to Oz, the Emerald City of Oz, the Scarecrow of Oz, The Road To Oz, The Tin Woodsman, The Emerald City of Oz, Rinkitink of Oz......

Just to name a few.....
played softball from 11;30 till 3;30 in a tanktop on the first 80 degree day. i look like a lobster:cry: then went and shot hoops for 2.5 hours, i bushed
what the %$#^&

The 4 wheel drive crapped out on my dump. :whine: On the upside it was my yard and it stopped sinking when it got to the axle. I was looking for a 1/2 day. Now I can spend some time with the family (yanking the dump and filling in ruts):lol: Well I was just thinking last night what I should spend some money on. I wonder if you can write off a thirty pack as a bussiness exp.
It'll be weeks before we can put tomatoes in. We got snowed on earlier this week and today will be in the high 70s. We have weird weather here. Idaho weather can turn on a dime.
yup, weeks away for us too, had hail twice on Friday. Mostly out of the freezzing temps though, yesterday we hit about 17C or so, today looks like a fairly sunny one :D
Yeah, we're in a unique place here. Down in the Imperial Valley they sometimes start planting tomatoes (by direct seed) at Christmas time. The only thing planting early will do for you in the garden is get your plant larger as tomatoes won't set very many of the blossoms until the night time temperatures are above 60 degrees F.