How'd it go today?

8 hrs today of climbing I'm whooped. After a week of not climbing and hitting 8 hrs of gung ho my forearms started cramping up. I need my forearms to hold on at any height! We started to get on 4 large oaks at 3 pm and try for 4 more hours or another 3 grand. I suggested we call it a day, damage today was the Morbark cable wench, it fouled up on the groundmen and looks like got cut in half. They are installing a rope in its place this evening. If I ever do buy a chipper it surely should have a darn wench they help alot and would be worth the extra cost of it.
Did a bunch of bucket pruning. It took me a while to get the hydraulics "awakened" but once I did I wasted some time figureing out positioning on my first job and nailed it every time at the second location (4 trees). I have a mess to cleanup tomorrow.
I hope not. The flippin government makes having employees way more hassle than I ever want. Right now I have 3 weeks of work on the schedule...and only about 4 days of it is bucket friendly.
Uhhhh, had a bad day today.

My wife had some serious health problems today.

first I knew of it was when she came home and fell out of the car in pain.

I brought her to the emergency room....Ah hell

More later she is asking for me...sorry TH
I hired a couple of climbers for today and tomorrow and they got 30 trees pruned today at an apartment complex. We have 20 more for tomorrow and a couple of removals. I also got paid for a job that I did a couple of weeks ago and so I'm not so broke now.
hope alls well frans:(
good day oday, got 4 days booked for next week and 3 jobs to look at after i get the crew going. steel finally showed up today for my new chip truck. now if some checks will show in the mail tommorrow will be a good day to
My wife got some sort of infection 'down below'.

morphine, and anti-biotics and 6 hours in the emergency room.

She is home now and cranky :) so I guess all will be well in due time...
She is up and still a bit grumpy.

Got to go and pick up my soil injection rig which had a carb re-build. go and juice up some trees. take it easy and check up on my wife throughout the day.

Not a cloud in the sky, looks like it's gonna be a hot one today
Still on a roll ,finishing about a saw a day.Yesterday I repaired a pair of 335 Huskys I've had on bench since about Dec or so .

I don't get real enthused about freezing by behind off in an unheated garage ,so when it warms up,so do I . That said,after I got them up and going,after removing the limiter caps,they boogied along qiute nicely for baby saws .I was semi impressed .

I just had to see how they did against my piped Mini Mac.Not too bad but again old yellow came through in the pinch .;)

The main difference between men and boys is the size and price of their toys .:lol:
So you're saying that the two saws were out of commission for 4 months because the carbs were out of adjustment? :cry:
For the last several years I've removed the limiter caps on all my saws the day that I purchase them. It makes no sense to keep them on (unless you think like a government employee). The only purpose for the adjustment screws is to allow the user to set the carb for optimum performance (which will also equate to lowest emissions). The limiters prevent you from doing that, only allowing you to adjust to the lean side.

And if your dealer is such a fugging idiot that he would deny warranty service due to you removing the limiter caps, then you need a different dealer anyways. :what:
I've paid the rest of the bills due in April this morning, fixing to head out and start cleaning up a job that'll nearly cover May's bills. Probably finish the job tomorrow aside from grinding the stumps, too wet.

Saturday, assuming it doesn't rain too much tonight and tomorrow, them cedars are getting moved :)
Made it through the 'restructuring' meeting unscathed! Got a big laugh when I used the "his cheese fell off his cracker" line about a fellow employee who skipped the meeting(and is very crazy). Thanks for that Skwerl!