Student of the Jedi. OH-7106A
No. Everyone got rated. In private. These guys all share. I haven’t even seen these cards yet but apparently I’m the standard A man. I don’t really care except they are all whining and bitching. And they think it’s my fault. My role is not to be on every job. It’s to bid and be where I am needed. I earmark jobs for me and jobs for each crew based on their strengths. Problem is no one is willing to push their comfort limit so I end up with being the full time estimator plus doing a lot of work. Job today was nothing hard for a bucket. Power lines were involved. Why it was earmarked for the crew leader with 8 years working for a line clearance company. He turned it down. Easy bucket work in my mind. Anyhow. Basically the boss is asking guys to step up to their pay grade and they want mine with out the effort I put in. This of course has been building for a while. Last week after receiving a call about an unchained loader on the high way I let everyone know that if I caught that they would be unemployed and have a broken jaw. Telling, yelling, and write ups don’t affect this group of guys. Cant fire everyone. Me having a bad day and getting that phone call could’ve tripped it but I’m on the verge of going back to the mid 90’s. Back then you worked.