How'd it go today?

pretty simple really, couches encourage slouching. cause the muscles that support your spine to atrophy and become weak. weak glutes, tight hip flexors. We tossed the couch several years ago. we opened up the living room. its more of a dance hall now. we watch tv sitting on the floor. my flexibility is much greater. ever notice how when you get out of the car or up off the couch it takes a minute to straighten back up? i used to get back from work and crash I onto the couch in a slump. really nothing worse for the body. it also cuts blood flow to the joints which decomposes cartiledge as well. none of us miss the couch one bit. except my inlaws who pretry much live on the couch at their house. both of whom can barely walk and have had hip replacements, knee surgeries and numerous back issues. they both eat ibuprofen. i really want to avoid their fate. The driving is still an issue for me and i have taken to doing a few simple exercises every evening to strengthen my posterior muscles and stretch my anterior muscles to counter act that. all while watching a bit of netflix before bed. overall, my back is doing very well these days. my knees are doing much better as well too, i squat, sit cross legged and have been footlocking exclusively last few years pain free. I also have been walking backwards a lot as well which has been working wonders for my knees. I tore my left acl in 2008, my right acl in 2014. fixed them with surgery. i retore my right in 2018 and have opted not to repair it. instead I am staying away from full speed basketball and working instead on my posture, form, and hamstring, glute, and tibialis strength. walking backwards is an easy, low intensity way to do that. those muscles being weak is a result of too much chair, couch, and car sitting over the years. it is easier to correct my manner of resting than any thing else. (car travel is the one thing that I have to actively work to counteract as i havent been able to avoid it)
On a separate theme, what is it with you Yanks and abstaining from little pleasures and comforts?
I read on here about people giving up alcohol, hot showers, footwear (in the snow ffs!) various foodstuffs and now couches are the villains.
It’s like there’s a hair shirt mentality going on over there.
On a separate theme, what is it with you Yanks and abstaining from little pleasures and comforts?
I read on here about people giving up alcohol, hot showers, footwear (in the snow ffs!) various foodstuffs and now couches are the villains.
It’s like there’s a hair shirt mentality going on over there.
We've got so much stuff, we have to add some pain to keep it real ;^)
In the vids I’ve seen you seem pretty ok still. I found right up to my early fifties I suffered no drop off in physical ability.
yeah, i probably have no place to talk just yet. i have found the lowest of my lows has been when my back has failed me. psychology really rough periods. figuring out how to not ever be in that place has been a priority.
Wow, what a superb turn this thread is in! F'g Treehouse :rockhard: :rockhard:

Stikine, can you elaborate on the use of the infrared therapy?

KB, fascinating insight into some of your approaches to health and wellness. I do a lot of those same things- squatting, sitting on heels with knees on the floor, sitting crosslegged, sitting on wood floor in various positions, core exercises almost everyday since my back blew up in January. One thing I rarely do is walk backwards, gotta try that. I virtually never sit on anything padded (except car/truck seat, tractor seat, etc) and have slept on the floor for decades using a couple 1/2" sleeping pads (um yeah, no padding except for those). We just had a couple of bench seats installed by the kitchen table where the computer sits and I also do my paperwork there, I find sitting on the bench with one leg and foot up on it is a nice, relaxing, effective position that is superior to regular chair-sitting.

KB, what things do you do that 'help build cartilage'? Do you take supplements?

Excellent observation, imo-

it is easier to correct my manner of resting than any thing else.
On a separate theme, what is it with you Yanks and abstaining from little pleasures and comforts?
I read on here about people giving up alcohol, hot showers, footwear (in the snow ffs!) various foodstuffs and now couches are the villains.
It’s like there’s a hair shirt mentality going on over there.

'Hair shirt', had to look that up, interesting.

I can only give my perspective fwliw. In a nutshell maybe you could call it Spartan mentality, not that I consciously try to follow it, nor be a spartan, but I see the simiarities.

I've mentioned this book previously, some of y'all might like it-

Ha, with all these cool approaches mentioned here to improve health and wellness and performance, it brings to mind a counterbalancing notion, in a line spoken by Tony Soprano:

There's no cure for life. :rockhard: :D:lol:;):\::|::whine::/:8)