Captain Zero!
We live in a shithole.
We take eye injuries seriously.
We take eye injuries seriously.
What will leaves do to the mower? I try to plan out my fall grass height: letting it get really tall, then mow down .5" at a time each time there's a buildup of leaves. The cloud of dust is a pain and does plug the mower air filter quickly enough.
Fiskars has a new 6lb splitting maul out that is getting rave reviews ... I own the 8lb maul and I give it 10 out of 10 - the iso-core handle is great 👍... I converted a Fiskars X27 from the stock handle to a hickory one as I found the former lacking in long splitting sessions ... added about 1/2lb and she splits like a mother ! Here’s a video of me and “dirty” Tony splitting some wood ... I’m using the modded x27 and he’s got a stocker .. if you listen closely you can hear the difference when each strikes the wood ...Routine day. Aside from my job, I got started splitting that poplar I cut up earlier this week. It'll be good summer wood for the boss' girlfriend. Burns readily, and not a ton of heat. Also saves the good wood for more important duties, though it's not like I have any shortage. I was using an old beater axe to split it, and it wasn't working great on the big rounds.
Thinking about getting a splitting axe for stuff like that to keep in the truck, cause maul/wedges is overkill. Everyone seems to love the Fiskars axes, but I hate plastic handles. I might swing into harborfreight tomorrow, and see if they have splitting axes. It's not exactly a precision instrument, and if I factor a handle replacement off the bat, it /might/ make sense. Dunno... Splitting *axes* are a little rare in the used market. Plenty of mauls, but maul/wedge takes care of that.
Fiskars has a new 6lb splitting maul out that is getting rave reviews ... I own the 8lb maul and I give it 10 out of 10 - the iso-core handle is great 👍... I converted a Fiskars X27 from the stock handle to a hickory one as I found the former lacking in long splitting sessions ... added about 1/2lb and she splits like a mother ! Here’s a video of me and “dirty” Tony splitting some wood ... I’m using the modded x27 and he’s got a stocker .. if you listen closely you can hear the difference when each strikes the wood ...
I converted a Fiskars X27 from the stock handle to a hickory one as I found the former lacking in long splitting sessions ... added about 1/2lb and she splits like a mother !
1) remove axe head ... 2) use dremel to “mill” a slot in top of handle to accept bottom of casting approx 1/2 deep ... 3) drill hole thru axe head as straight , centered and true as possible ... 4) put head in slot and drill into the handle about 1” ... 5) mix epoxy ,goop into slot and then drive pin thru hole in axe head into handle , let dry overnite ... 6) cut sheet metal stock and form around top of head leaving a “tail” on either side (you want this as tight as possible , I use vice grip to squeeze the metal ) 7) drill thru hole thru and pin it with dowel pin ...How did you attach the handle? I didn't think the x27 had an eye. Epoxy wood intro the cut off handle?
Yeah , the Fiskars axe is an excellent splitter in clean , straight wood for sure ... knotted PCs or big rounds not so much from my experience ... The maul is a lot heavier at 8lbs but seldom have I ran into a knotted pc or big round it wouldn’t split ... The new 6lb maul May be the perfect “marriage” between the 2 , slightly heavier than the axe and 2lb lighter than the maul - it’s featured on amazon but not available locally afaik- I’m definitely gonna add one to the collection when I can get my paws on oneI bought one a few weeks ago, it’s amazing. I never would’ve believed an axe could compete with a maul, and also always considered Fiskars stuff to be homeowner grade junk, but this thing kicks ass.
The only downside of the composite handle is the vibration transmitted to your hands ... kinda like running an old saw with caca AV 😂Maybe I'll just suck it up, and deal with a plastic handle. Probably more practical for a truck axe anyway. Less likely to warp.