Drizzly and foggy this morning, as John mentioned; burned off and dried up by 1pm. Dropped and cut up five dead trees for a friend today at his shore house on the Elk River (off the Chesapeake Bay) and climbed two old black locusts to deadwood them.
I took that 290 Farm Boss I bought at the auction. His saw wouldn't start (after sitting in the shed for a year; I brought it home to get it cleaned up and running for him), so he ran the 290, and at the end of the day bought it. Which is good, as the 19 all-orange saws in my shed were giving the bi-color one the evil side-eye

This is the living room looking out toward the river. Those large beams came from houses torn down in the early 1970s in our town. Back then I often got to the demolition sites and spoke to Inky Wilson, the boss. His crew would disassemble a house and maximize saving the usable materials. He'd let me have such beams, as he didn't like moving and storing them.
One day I got there, and he said, "Sorry Pat, the father and son out back got these". That is when I met this fellow and his father; this is the house they built, finished back in 1975.
They had an eye for art, and thus the windows were done like a Mondrian painting.