Awesome dogs. One of my dads friends used to breed them. She had 5 or 6 full grown dogs. One day we went up there when my oldest, Haakon was about 5, there was what looked like a load of mini polar bears running about. Cute as a cute thing.
Had a shit start to the morning. Turned up at a job to remove 4 reasonable easy pine trees. Hard part was getting everything from the top of the small cliff to the bottom without losing and then careering down the hill.
Anyway, I didn’t even get to start the job. As we were trudging up the steep incline, I was having to pass saws up and fuel can to the next level. Reach full length with my right arm, fuel can in hand and at that point my legs went. I have a feeling I sublax’d my shoulder. Felt it suck out then back in. Definitely not a full dislocation but bloody hurt, and tweaked everything.
I had a decent range of movement, as I tested it to make sure it wasn’t out. 30 mins later it had stiffened up to the point of barely been able to move my arm.
Been at home since and iced it a few times, luckily I still had some strong pain killers left from the dislocation last year.
Annoying thing is, it is the right shoulder this time. The left one is solid as a rock.
I guess every cloud and all that, as the saying goes... at least I’m know what rehab exercises I need to do.
Still sucks balls though!