How'd it go today?

They actually make easy break safety glass wine, complete with bag to catch it. I saw it on a sailboat supply website, been too long to remember which one
I don't know if a small bottle is weaker than a big one. It could be stronger due to the tight curvature, even if the wall is thinner.
No on both counts Gary, not my boat anyways. Needed a project to deal with virus quarantine/ breakup. So I'm building this with a friend for his mom at her shop. She's stoked. Her current dinghy is a 30+ year old fiberglass job that gives you glass splinters the second you look at it.

She finally settled on paint, green with black sheerstrake (top plank). Probably going to be called "Calvin". The other boatthat lives on the dock is the same design, named "Hobbes"
Does she use it just for fun or to get back and forth to a bigger boat, or whut?
Well...when you get that new sweetie you need to borrow the dinghy and impress the lucky lass with a row to a shaded cove and an on-board picnic.


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I had a fine day, today.
Headache is mostly gone.
A friend came over and "helped" prepare the poly tunnel.

That is, I supervised and he did all the work.
So ground cloth is in place and the trellises for the melons to climb are up.
Next weekend a former apprentice and his girlfriend are going to plant all the seedlings.

Good to have friends, when you are in my situation.

The mail order bride made a potato salad with over cooked potatoes.
I was able to chew that.
Major accomplishment:)
Good to read your post Stig!

Good day here also. Collected about 800 golf balls out of the the woods...will do the other 1/2 tomorrow. Sprinkled the whole time I was there but not enough to soak through my 2 sweatshirts.
I drove to microcenter to get a new computer for work, and they aren't taking cash. Waste of time... I installed debian kde on an old 5400rpm spinner, and hopefully I can just clone that to a ssd and have it work when I get a new machine. I was gonna change the oil in the truck, but it looked like it might rain, so I'll probably get it later this week. My toobie mask was acceptable. A little warm, but it did the job.
Not my best day ever...I got into it with Daniel Murphy. Definitely less than enjoyable.

Part of it at least is my own fault, reacting to his rhetoric in some unpleasant ways, which makes me even more dissatisfied with the whole exchange. My bad for even joining in to his thread.