How'd it go today?

Jim, great pic. Who was your land-lord? What mountains be those in the background?

Mick, what does building code say? How's it going passing tools and lumber to The Man, any glitches?
What the hey?

And those mountains? Ive probably asked you before and done forgot
Jim, great pic. Who was your land-lord? What mountains be those in the background?

Mick, what does building code say? How's it going passing tools and lumber to The Man, any glitches?

Well he works for me, so apart from dropping hints about getting more money, no issues.
As for planning, it should be a formality, at the moment it has no roof, so it’s not a building.
Built a computer for my boss last night out of scavenged parts. Had everything but ram which was at the office. Took it in, set it up, and no adapter for the monitor. Poke around the office, and find a dell carcass that's missing just about everything, but has a motherboard which was the problem part on his old machine. Swap all the parts over, and it's working good. I still want to get the machine I built working. It's better than the one I setup.

I had lubuntu(used to be xubuntu) installed on it, but I wasn't really digging it. It's stripped down but still kinda heavy for the included features. I put kubuntu on it to try it out. If that doesn't work. I'll go back to xubuntu.

My machine is xubuntu i386 which was discontinued, so I can't upgrade anymore. I'm deciding on either a fresh install of xubuntu amd64, or debian amd64(that's what I use at home). Dunno yet. I might just buy a whole new computer for work to save the old one. Once those computers are all dead, our autocad licenses will be also. Someone stole the list of keys and the installation media, and it's expensive to replace. I don't need autocad for what I do, though a couple features would be nice. I still need to look into that more.

Currently sitting in front of a fire(been a nice cool spring), and trying to decide what dinner will be. It's been a pretty decent day.
:^D I guess I was too specific for the intended audience.

The stripped description is boss' computer took a dump, and required some finagling to get right.

The *buntus and debian are gnu/linux distributions(a few of maaaany) that are used as operating systems like Windows or Mac, but are both libre and gratis. That means you can use it as you wish without jumping through arbitrary hoops, so it's trivial to just install one to see how you like it. No keys, no checks; you just do it.

Autocad is a technical drawing program(makes blueprints) that we use at work, but I don't personally use.
So...they sent us for the chip truck. We were using a bandit 18" with a wench. I totally neglected to fire it up and turn everything on. Humm something that was just discussed @Raj . I was done from loading plywood in the driving rain. So....we get to the job 1.5 hours away, and boom. The bottom feed wheel is not working.
Is that recoverable on site, or are you dead in the water? What do you do; wait til another day, or cut stuff small and toss it in the chip truck?
After I got home from the big white oak this morning, I stripped the cable from my Warn 9k winch and stripped it, cleaned it and re-greased it. Last time I used it it sounded awful.