How'd it go today?

Finally some stump grinding for me today. I had to give a coronavirus discount to get the job, since Ontario declared a state of emergency for some reason.
Good deal with work coming but just up charge the discount before you tell them about said discount. Or was it a blind side?
Heat pack for the owl was 8” diameter by 1.5” thick in a flannel cover. I didn’t ask who made them - chemical reaction good for about 24 hours. No word if the parents returned yet, though I may have to bug them as I am new and not on their text list yet.
Grabbed a trailer of mulch for around the new garden today and a few small trees.


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Had another good day of felling with only a few minor mishaps. Somehow G John knocked the fuel cap off of the excavator while trying to stack the trees for chipping at a later date. Really not a big deal except no one knows if we can get one shipped for a while. The other thing was I took a pretty good fall. Well actually I got slammed pretty hard dropping a pin oak all tangled in vines and briars. Per standard I cut every thing loose and then made my back cut. Taking my escape route a clump of the now being lifted briars caught my hair, ripping me sideways and then down. Of course I’m now laying in a nest of the damned things and couldn’t get loose. G (after asking if I was ok) is just laughing his ass off. Said that it reminded him of two drunk girls fighting. One goes to run while the other grabs the pony tail and throws her down. Being a bit embarrassed I took it out on the remaining trees in that fence row. Should finish that job by lunch tomorrow and then off to an acre clear cut for ( best part) a township park so they can put in a gazebo for the residents to sit and enjoy nature. And of course there is standing water over the whole area with more rain coming. Even though I sound like I’m complaining, and I’m exhausted, I love it.
Had a pretty good day invoiced a bunch of money. Two jobs, #1 fun easy deadwooding an oak ,probably the last one for the season, snipped on 2 dozen fruit trees, flopped and leave three small walnuts, and flop and leave a ash. #2 Flop and leave a bigish walnut and cut off a horribly rotten silver maple limb that the HO was going to do from a ladder. So I couldn't let him do that so I did it for free. The limb was about 12" maybe 25 foot and was so rotten it snapped in half while pulling, no targets and turf damage was acceptable and expected to the custy.
Finished 2 trees today....on contract... I shut down 2 lanes pirate style... no permits, no nothing.... just signs and cones.... blocked the lanes off with my pickup truck so the guys could work freely... people flying by at 50 and me just smiling and sweating it. We all got out good.

Last 2 trees on Thursday. Then chase payment.
Well there used to be a hand rail that protected it but someone saw fit to knock that off a while ago. I’m almost certain that machine is on round three for the hell and back tour.

Deva just hope that the department that writes the check is considered necessary at the moment. Who knows, they are probably on lockdown as well
Rich: Good story, glad you are ok! When I first started in the woods in '77, one cutter told me "vines are the most dangerous things in the woods" and that has always stayed with me.

Deva: Lol "pirate style"!!!!! "Sweating it" Love it!!

Pigowot: Great news and good job saving them critters.
An other landscaper had to send his crew back home. He took some advice about maintaining the activity, since the job doesn't involve meeting people. The official said " you do as you want, but you are responsible in case of troubles!". So...
But he went on the job on his own and with his son. We where able to begin the shedduled job. I made a big mess by pollarding 2 london planes and prunning a birch. The second london plane is to finish and a third to do tomorrow. Evacuating the limbs and the wood will be a pita without the crew, no access for the truck.

We have to fill a paper each day saying that we allow ourself to travel to a "non remote-doable" job, to the grocery, for health care, for imperative family reasons, childs or endangerd people day care, to make the dog piss, to make some sport (but alone only)... check the right case!
If not, the cops can fine you 35 euros, up to 320.
Curfew at 18pm.

Oh! and we must to do our best to not meet more than five people each day.
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As for me, I spent the day in the office. Got in this morning, and it was raining, but wasn't supposed to last. The power got yanked out from under us, and when the computers came back up, both of the boss' machines were down for the count. His xubuntu machine was fixed with a fsck, but the xp machine won't connect to the file server. Internet works fine, but no file server. I played with it all day, and it still isn't figured out. I'll give it some thought tonight. Calming down and thinking rationally may give me a clue.
Day two in the office, networking is restored on the xp computer, and I have no idea how. Between twiddling network settings, rebooting, and doing things for the 10th time, something worked, and I got the file shares back. It took so long, it barely feels like a win, but I suppose it is. Otherwise, I went out to one job that wasn't ready for me, and dug up some more flowers and planted them at the office. I've had worse days.
No swamp logging for me today. Ended up going to drop trees on a parking lot while most of the company stayed home. Got most of it done. A handful remain for the guys tomorrow because they were entangled in the service lines for the street lighting. Also got new orders for the swamp tomorrow. Just put it all down. Seems I’m needed elsewhere come Monday. Eight more days and I can slow down a bit.
Slow day. Built a new raised bed to increase our food production. Was into finishing the taxes until notice came that tax day has been rolled back to June; for dinner there’re two quiches in the oven filled with the last harvest of overwintered spinach from the cold frame.


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Did a bunch of tree bondage yesterday after some pruning and clearance to power pole pruning. The storm we had and dumped 7" of wet snow has us busy. Trees on structures, over structures and service lines.
Power went out for some folks over two days.
Trees up rooted due to saturated ground, then levered over with wet snow.
Practicing not shaking hands and distancing.
Comms are handy. No body shouting, custys can talk to me through the ground guy 6 feet away from him.
I hear just fine.
Busy busy.
Ordered some tires for the 4x4. Gonna go get those mounted today.
Went shopping at biglots and aldi today. Lots of stuff missing from both stores, and aldi was a clusterfuck. I even left earlier than usual hoping to beat crowds. Going to Wegmans tomorrow. I usually like going mid morning so I can have sushi for breakfast, but I think I'll hit them up as they open. I don't want a repeat of my aldi experience.

Finished milling trailer boards today, and the boss' brother stopped by to talk while he was walking his dogs. Asked me if I could mill an oak beam for him. I have another section of tree I can turn into a beam, so I'll probably do that at some point.