How'd it go today?

Made the trip about an hour ride North to pick up my guitar from my luthier buddy today.

Had the bridge glued back down……it started lifting about a year ago & I haven’t played it much at all since then.

It’s good to have it back in working order. I’d forgotten how nicely it played
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My workout was one day Pull, next day Push... the third-day legs... I could finish it 15 minutes... fast workout!
Do you lost your strengh or your endurance?

On a way lighter note, yesterday was a surprisingly nice sunny day. I put outside my two wet throwlines in their buckets to dry. But I forgot to bring them back in the van. This night and today aren't sunny at all (it's often the case for the night, but you get what I mean) and the throwlines actually take a bath now.:angryfire:
My throwlines were always that that yellow waterproof type - never had to worry about them getting wet!
^^^I like that tree!

It was raining, so I spent the day in the office. Didn't get much done today. Took my brushcutter out in the afternoon, but I'm running out of stuff to cut. I want to leave some of the property wild for the critters, but haven't fully formed a plan yet. I think I'll start doing some "fine" cutting behind the house, and make some trails. A whole lot of white pine has come down. I'm thinking of ripping it in quarters or eighths, and making lined paths. That'll add some visual interest, and make it a bit easier to track down vines in the spring.

There's some pines next to office I was considering removing the dead stuff in, but the service lines to the office go through them. I'm thinking that's something I probably shouldn't take on right now. I keep going out to look at them, start forming a plan, then seeing something that screws up my plan. Probably let the branches do what they want. It isn't really my problem.
I spent several hours rigging out two major sized widowmakers hung up over my workshop, storage shed, and carport. High winds last night. Big azz Douglas fir limbs. Did it all from the ground; 2 throw lines, BigShot, 4 rigging ropes. All wood now on the ground, all safe again. Jag back in the carport :).

I like a challenge, now and again :/:.
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They call it a Filao. The beaches are luned with them and they keep planting more to help control erosion. After seeing all these palm trees, I would like to learn how to climb them. I did not see many spur related scars on the ones that look maintained and free of coconuts.
Just imagine climbing a big blade of grass...I climbed & trimmed one once and disliked it much...removed one and like that less
Think that's a fairly legit(meaning effective and safe by western standards) method of climbing? Maybe add a saddle, and a TreeSqueeze. You could "spur" climb without damaging the tree.
Heck no, not by western standards. I simply know he climbs like oil flowing. An ultimate, idk, craftsman, nature-attuned dude.
I was thinking more the foot strap. A saddle and TreeSqueeze should keep you from descending fast if you slip. It would probably slow the process somewhat, but...

I guess bottom line... Would any of you try ascending a tree with a(perhaps higher tech)foot strap, a modern saddle, and something like a TreeSqueeze to prevent falling?
This seems to be on topic...

How do you greet someone who is dying? Everyone who knows me here or IRL ALWAYS greets me with a "How ya doing?" which is OK, then ALWAYS say "How ya feeling?" That's the one I friggin hate. They definitely don't wanna hear the truth on that! And I hear it 3 ten times a day and it depresses to no end!
I understand its a hard question to answer... Anyone have any thoughts?
No one knows what to say, so they say the most common ones they use. As the not immediately dying guy, you don't know their mental state and how they are handling everything, so you just say that.
Real hard question to answer Butch. I just stick with Hello. I know being that sick some people just want to live their last days as normal as possible. My neighbor lost his wife to cancer suddenly like Dr.'s visit and three days later she was gone. He told me that he was not looking forward to the visitation line. He didn't want to hear the usual "I'm sorry for your loss" stuff so I said OK I won't say that so I said chicken salad sandwich, he laughed.