How'd it go today?

SO a little update.
Took Katy out to the best restaurant in town for Mothers Day Date night Saturday night . Gerry and Terry know which one. And guess who else was dining :/: The recently arrived HO and family. They were not sure it was me and they had never met Katy. I thought they were mad and avoiding us since I waved and got nothing but averted eyes. But they left their dinners and came over as we were leaving. Got hand shakes and hugs. Lady of the house could not get over how tidy we left it after the mishap. I told them we would be back Monday and Tuesday to finish the contract. He told me he was going to e mail me answers to my list of questions and added to the job when I opened it.
THAT made me feel a little bit mo bettah.
Summer has definitely arrived -- 90 degrees and 90 percent humidity today. My shirt was soaked by 10 am and my pants were sopping too by noon. I downed 1 gallon of water by noon, a 2nd by 4 pm. Just wait till July!

Working in the state capital for a couple of days, not far from the capital building. Removed 2 "Mongolian" elms -- I did the honors on the 2nd one, nicked the hinge on my bore cut pivot but not to the point of causing a failure. Winch line was 25' up, pulled over the spar no problem -- hinge still held & did its job. Then we removed 4 mature persimmon trees and a small Ailanthus (tree of hell). 2 of them were growing right in a tight triangle of utility lines (power, phone, cable), so we had to crane them out with our grapple -- flush cut & direct craned straight up 20' before swinging away. Back out tomorrow to grind the stumps & start on the next job nearby.
Remember you need more than just water to survive the heat. I drank Pedialyte.
Thanks for the product recommendation, we'll check it out. Right now we're supplementing Gatorade on the hot days, but in the next week or so we'll order in either bulk electrolyte powder, or we've liked these packets last year:

If we're particularly ambitious, this has been nice to mix in from time to time: Make your own hydrating summer drink.
I just stock a mix of water and Gatorade in the cooler. Ron and I usually alternate from one to the other throughout the day. We also start and finish fairly early. I don't bother trying to push and see how long I can work every day. We rarely work past 3pm and the heavy work is done before lunch. End of the day is usually loading logs with the bucket truck and getting the trucks dumped for the next day.
Pedialyte > Gatoraid > water

And not Pedialyte - get the store brand, way cheaper. On super humid hot days, I would drink a liter before even leaving for work.
dilute gatorade.....too much sugar in that

lots of options for hydration tabs these days. Nuun are good. Also, Hammer makes some good stuff.
dilute gatorade.....too much sugar in that
Definitely agree -- I don't care for Gatorade, for that reason and the unnatural colors, etc. I should've said we are "subsisting" on it until our electrolyte powder arrives. Plus, I more than double my sea salt intake these sweat-filled days, as I lose so much salt through perspiration. (Using whole unrefined sea salt with an abundance of minerals in it.)
3 Job Monty Today

Started off with a bit of much-needed stump grinder maintenance. Replaced all the teeth and 2 pockets, plus tightened the main drive belts.
1). Finished yesterday's job -- added one more old persimmon stump, stump grinding on the 5 trees we removed, chipped up an old wood pile from the biggest persimmon tree I've ever seen.
2). Came behind a Mexican tree cutter and finished the job on behalf of the homeowner. We removed 3 small trees, pruned a silver maple over the yard, flush cut & stump ground an old stump, ground the 3 small tree stumps.
3). Removed a failing mature mulberry. Drop-n-chip, leaving behind firewood in 6' lengths. Only noteworthy thing was due to the failing leaders, the first pull line point was cracking when we were testing command of the tree, so we had to re-attach the winch line before the back cut. Stump ground it as deep as we could.

Another very humid day, after overnight rains last night. Whew!
Back in the hometown today -- we've turned off Home Advisor down to only our local area, so we're working within a 30 mile radius mostly instead of the full 50 miles. Two jobs, quite the contrast:
P1310570.jpg P1310562.jpg
1). The nicely renovated home of two cardiologist doctors (husband & wife) -- removed red bud, 2 invasive weed trees, fine pruned 2 Norway maples and a cedar. Removed hackberry leaders from off their garage, deadwooded an 80' tall red oak.
2). Midrange rental home, the owner wanted to have a clean slate in the back yard, so we removed a whole smorgasboard of mulberries, ash, "Mongolian" elm, and honeysuckle bushes, etc. Had to bring everything through a narrow gate, under a carport and past a tenant's car (not home). No issues, except our stump grinder needs more maintenance!

Starting a lot clearing job for a builder today. No clean-up, just killing.

My log haulers are either unavailable, or can't bunk 18'ers and under. My normal hauler is off for a huge gun show for the next two weekends and week between.

Trying to orchestrate my move, too.
Got a call from a forester down south, asking if we can fell 1600 cubic meters of mature beech in August.

Sure we can, and thank you very much:)

They'll find a place for us to stay, so we'll do the log sunup to sunset 4 days and have a 3 day weekend model.
Be nice to do that in the summer.
Plain water will let me work 3-4 hours before I severly cramp up. This stuff gets me another 2-3 hours.


Super swamped as well. Motor shop is slammed with pool pumps. Trees, stumps, milling and brush chipping is booked for the next month.

Glad to see everyone else is good!
Weird feeling for me...
Got that place all mucked out that we hit the house. Insurance and owners are finally all in sync. Bill it out.
Then move the gear to the house behind them. Dead 65' ponderosa pine. And I mean crispy. Set a block in the white fir at 85' or so on one side and the same on the other side in a cedar. Small landing and propane tank plus septic and plumbing. No felling it. Lifted it out of the hole in 3 sections. It was like gaffing saw dust. My tie in was in the fir and I had my "oh shat" lanyard on. Smooth as silk. Loaded the whole bloody thing in the trailer.... Including the dead I took out of the trees we rigged off of. Home owner was amazed watching the log float off the stump and pulled out into a clearing with the mini...
Go from friggin' shat up to shining. weird. Well... payment was made on the final invoice on the screw up today. SO I guess were are "ok".
Like I said, weird.
People understand mishaps when they get the right respect and treatment in the follow through. People are generous given a chance to be.

Edit - Implied complement on how you handled it, by the way.
Today was inspection day for my lifts. The Nifty checked out A-OK as did the Teupen although there were a couple of minor cracks forming on the bottom of the aluminum basket on the Teupen. That will be dropped off at my welder's shop tomorrow.