Frigging buggered. Threw a new plug in and no go? It's plain as day on the old plug and electrical box. The smoke got out and now the whole things hooped.![]()
The brits got dem canucks talking brit!!!!!
Frigging buggered. Threw a new plug in and no go? It's plain as day on the old plug and electrical box. The smoke got out and now the whole things hooped.![]()
The best arborist in the world wouldn't make a zit on an average loggers ass.
That's a bit of a broad statement in the beginning of your post there Sean in regards to loggers. I'd just say, don't underestimate loggers.
Sean, do you know yet if you got the 28 tree job?
Justin, on the smoke problem, do you know what else is on that circuit? Is the whole circuit dead?
Today is not starting very well at all. Spent over two hours in traffic to get to our job and oops, the estimator forgot to tell us we need plywood to get the brush and wood out. I'm gonna be on spurs all day while the boys stage brush and wood. From my walk through it's a mix of 30-35 bean pole ash and poplar. Kicker is no turf damage or damage to the surrounding woods. Well I better get at it and see if can keep my cool. This will be a test of my patience
Easy peasey! Bring on the pics!
Found out my Dad has some cancer on his face. Seems they will be able to remove it.