My though was, surely farming can't be going that bad!
We had a hell of a saturday.
I gave a price on taking two large spruces in a bad place ( Zip-line) and 6 medium birches that could , if one was a very precise faller, be felled.
Everything sawn to firewood lengths, no clean up.
Was told the customer had a way lower offer, said, use that then, and drove home.
2 days later he called, they had decided to use us: " Because we appeared to be more professional"
Not a bad call, I think, nobody could have pulled it off at the price he was quoted.
He then asked if we'd do it without taxes, since that would bring our price nearer the other one ( Sales tax is a whopping 25% here).
We'll, the travelling fund needs fattening up, so we can all get back to California, so we went for it.
All went we'll, except he wanted 4 more trees taken down and was willing to pay for it.
So I ended up cutting birch trees to firewood with a headlamp on, while the others tried to make sure we didn't forget any gear in the total darkness.
The sun going down at 3.30 PM sure can wreck a working day.
Job paid for 3 plane ticket to Seqouia land for us and a good days pay for the guy who helped us.
All in all a fine day, even if it was a 13 hour one.