How'd it go today?

2 days later he called, they had decided to use us: " Because we appeared to be more professional":lol:

I hear this. A lot of former loggers turned to residential tree service who largely are spur-and-flipline, cut it down guys, and poorly trained tree service guys.

A good compliment to reinforce their spending could be to the effect of "I like working for people smart enough to know the differences of professionalism and value, from price.

Sometimes, I definitely 'lose' to a cheaper bid.

I've had new employees say, "okay, let's go bust this out real quick". I reply, "No, we're going to go do a professional job in the time it takes to do it safely, efficiently, and professionally".

I try not to review the price on the bid, just the specs. Keeps me away from $/hour thinking, which leads to cutting corners, IMO.

If that means coming back or working by headlamp, so be it. I've been finding that magnetic LED lights are great. They move around the inside and outside of the truck canopy, under the hood, and as I found out the other night, moving heavy wood before the soaking rain came in overnight, A big, magnetic, LED rechargeable light is great to put on the mini or grapple.

I've got something like this.

We get an extra hour or so of light more than Denmark. Lights are definitely useful. No worry about rain like with super hot, plug-in quartz halogen lights.
This runs on the same batteries as my cordless little sawsall for cutting nails on fence posts, and impact driver/ drill, that is useful for boring trees with a long, thin bit, plus all the typical drill/ driver stuff.

Storm work sometimes needs lots of lights. Its a good thing to have in advance.
That's a bit of a broad statement in the beginning of your post there Sean in regards to loggers. I'd just say, don't underestimate loggers.
He said: " Former loggers" so I didn't take offense:lol:

We start the new logging season in about a week.
I've got to put on my electricians cap today. Pulled a full griswald on Friday while plugging in the Christmas lights. Plugged em in and the electrical plug shorted. Threw sparks, popped breakers, all burnt and black around the outlet now.

I frigging hate touching electrical crap. The breaker is off but I'll probably test it twenty five times with three different testers before I'll actually touch those wires. Lol. :O
My bud turned the breaker off to work on a circuit. When he turned it on it did not have any juice to the circuit. Turned out he had turned the wrong circuit off. The GFI had turned it off so fast he never felt any jolt at all.
Residential arbos make about as good of loggers (a different profession) as loggers make tree care workers (different profession).
I bid a removal $400 more than the local tree service this summer and the guy still gave me the job (must have looked more professional). I'm probably still a better logger than a tree man but I'm a learnin'.
They are 'different professions' but let's call them allied fields.
Frigging buggered. Threw a new plug in and no go? It's plain as day on the old plug and electrical box. The smoke got out and now the whole things hooped. :(
I'll research how to do this, thanks.

I'm so uncomfortable with electrical though I'm apt to possibly hire someone in. If a guy has to start playing operation in the breaker box.....well I'm out. Lol.