How'd it go today?

All I got, Boss, is tape the red.........


I will be trying this shortly.

I suspect it's how you mentioned Jim. Was setup to plug in two vehicles. It's the only plug out the front. I don't know what you mean by 'cut the jumper'. You mean in the plug or whatever? So each plug stays having its own leg of 120? If I can I'd rather just ixnay the second 110 feed. I don't need it. In eight years I've never once plugged in a vehicle there.
Odd how some people have to quote every post (when it's unnecessary), but don't quote a post when it IS necessary.
On most 110 plugs there is a little brass bar that connects the gold colored terminals together. All you have to do is take a pliers and snap off the little "jumper" between the screws.

Once you have done that you can isolate each receptacle.

If you dont want to do that......keep the bar in place. Some receptacles dont have this feature, and will only have one gold colored screw.

GFCI outlets can be a little funny sometimes. They are designed to trip at the slightest sign of trouble.

At that point you get into the frustrating world of stray current. Possible a bit of current on the ground side or something weird like that.
Be careful Justin.

There must be a reason the first outlet let the magic smoke out.

Sooooo. Lol.

I cut the red wire off flush and taped it up good. I retaped the splices but I'm thinking I could have just cut them out and attached them to the outlet itself in the load positions. Anyways. Both breakers went on without any fuss and all the lights and outlets that had been dead are all working fine. But. When I try reset the gfci outlet it just clicks right off. Like won't reset. Doesn't throw any breakers or anything at the box, just won't reset itself. I'm guessing I blew it up with my wiring expirements? When two legs were hooked up to it it made a bunch of clicking noises.

So I think I'm either at replace with another gfci or just a standard grounded plug. I like the idea of a gfci for outside. I've put a couple in off of my barn power for outlets and never had any issues with them. I was under the impression they would be safer for animal water heaters and such.
We are doing another weird job for animals.
Not hollowing trees out for bats this time, but cutting trees down to make habitat for a rare Dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius).
It is only found in 5 places in Denmark and the bushes, primarily hazel that it likes, are being overshadowed by the forest.
So we drive around on the ATV, plant clusters of hazel and other things, then fell the trees cris crossed on top of them, to make it difficult for Bambi to get to the plants.
The idea is to make corridors through the forest, so the little guys can get around and mix their genes.
Living isolated from others of their kind, they tend to get inbred.
We'll be doing that all week.

I expect to be nominated for the "Treehouse animal friend of the year" price.
I guess the oddest thing I can remember doing was attaching fake snakes to some limbs that were over a parking spot.

I did that on a couple jobs, even using plastic owls.
I've done the plastic owl installation thing, too.
To keep Rooks from making a colony in a tree in town.
Worked real well.