How'd it go today?

Some good fortune... I don't have a smartphone and no computer connection at my shop, but with English Language broadcasting and good programing barely available, I was thinking that having internet radio would be cool there. Work isn't happening, so I don't want to take on any more bills. A friend checked for what wifi is around and there is one closed signal, I thought maybe emanating from the hot spring hotel down the lane.

A guy lives close by and I know he has some electronics background, don't really know him he keeps to himself, but he once stopped in for a piece of wood for some audio thing that he was working on. I knocked on his door to see if he could offer some advice, and when I walked in invited for a cup of coffee, I discovered an elaborate electronics laboratory, apparently he works on sophisticated stuff, including computers. He told me the wifi signal was his and he keeps it running all the time, and that he'd give me the password, which he did. When I said I would be getting an internet radio, he said that instead he'd fix me up with a compact computer to connect, and an external speaker for improved sound. A little sketchy on the distance, wifi is a weak signal, so if the reception is poor, he said he's put up an antennae at his end, and if it was still weak, one at my place too, said that would easily do it. He said that all I need to pay him was thirty bucks for the wifi connector or whatever it is to catch the signal. Hell of a nice guy and good neighbor to have!
Pissed down all day, but having taken yesterday off, 'cos it pissed down all day we had to get out there.

Got wet. Heavy cold as well to boot.
Slayed some 80-100 foot ponderosa yesterday. Climbed and dismantled 4, but had a tie in in one I limbed out four others from and sectioned one goofy one down from it. Set the lines... pull over 3. Mike felled a couple more with wedges. Busy Day. Made some room to do this one. 48" DBH and about 120-130 high... had to cut it in half to make it fit.
Now the crew (1/2) can finish the little trees with out me so I can prune some oaks.
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Woe is me!

My 200T's muffler rattled loose n lost a bolt. Spent an hour tryin to fix it with no luck.

So out came the backup 020 AVE that hasn't run in years to save the day. Finicky, but loves a pure wood diet, runs better the more wood it's buried in. Not as ergonomic, weighs a bit more too.


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Yep. In the summer time up here it does not get really dark till 11 or so. I start to long for short days.

Once the short days have been here a while I start to really look forward to longer days.

I am lucky to have changes of the seasons and such.
Evenings are starting to close in to try on all the BA gear at fire training last night...we were all in the training room with the AC going full blast, structural turnout gear helmets and gloves...WAY heavier that bushfire gear. Course is coming up, you have to be BA qualified to run a n monitor the BA board for the guys going into the building, and we get a lot of car fires so figure it will be worth while even if I never do the internal structural stuff.
220 motorhomes are parked up at the showgrounds, BIG rally, we put on a show for them drove up in our heavy tankers and had a chat and a walk case. Two brigades worth!
Put your hand in your pocket and get a new one Jomo!

Smile when you type that!

Ain't yu noticed all my chit's ole school n antique yet?

Kinda like me, old frayed but still somewhat functional....

Pics of you smilin Mick, or it never happened mate.
