More biners!!!
Tell you EMT brothers to try THAT in the back of the ambulance next time they have a birth!!!
Fine job, Dr. Welby!!!!
Fine job, Dr. Welby!!!!

That's an awesome story!Just got out of the shower.
For some reason my wife forgot to sell a cow that had a prolapsed uterus last year.
To hold the uterus in a vet will stitch umbilical tape across the vagina. Kind of like a fence to hold everything inside.
Just as she starts to have a calf you have to cut the strings so the calf can be delivered.
Wife is gone so after I got off the phone with her I went outside to call the dogs and heard a funny noise. Head out to the corrals and sure as hell this cow had been trying to push her calf out for some time. I thought it was dead. Looked dead.
Got her down to the squeeze and went back to the house for a water can and a scalpel...put on some surgical gloves too in case anyone was watching.
Couldn't cut the knots on the outside because they were sucked into the skin too deep so I had to guide the scalpel inside blind with my fingers to make the cuts. Of course the calfs head and feet were out so I did not have much room.
Finally got the strings cut and out comes the big ole calf. Sunofabitch is alive. Tongue is swolle all to hell, might be a while before it can nurse.
Just get the calf out, hang it upside down for a while yo drain the airway, and the cow keeps pushing. The whole friggin' uterus comes out and I catch it before it hits the ground. Lucky. Cow was laying down.
Just this afternoon Dad was telling me about how he caught a uterus and just stuffed it back in. No problem after that.
So I gathered up her insides and stuffed em back in. Got her out of the chute and drug her calf out so she would take her mind off of turning her insides into outsides and put it on cleaning her calf.
Worked too.
I will have a story to impress my EMT with class in the morning.
looks like it got drilled for stump killer or stump rotter, eh?
Put my phone number on the chipper chute