Nice paint job, Gary.
I got real lucky today.
We are still logging flat out and have 2-3 weeks yet to go.
Today I was felling a beech, sliding it off another one. Since it was co-dominant, I was afraid one top would break off and come back at me ( They can reach WAY behind the stump) I was walking backwards away from the tree while looking up.
Damned thing quarter turned and slid backwards off the!
I didn't even see it coming, when it bowled me over. Hit my left shin and ancle and scaped me along the ground.
I thought for sure, my leg was broken, it hurt that bad.
Got away with a badly scraped shin and a very sore knee from having my leg bent backwards, some.
Can't believe I got off with so little to show for it. It broke the hickory handle of the maul, I was holding as it hit me.
So I guess you can say that I'm tougher than an old axe handle.
I've hardened my shins for the last 40 years, because I use them for kicking in karate, that was probably a good thing.
Something else from today.
I felled a beech this morning that measured 52 inches across the stump with an 18 inch bar!
Not by choice, but the forester had marked it, even though it was a generation older than the ones around it that I was felling.
I was about a mile from the truck, so it was either that, or walk all the way back for the 661, use it on one tree and carry it back.
It had heavy front lean, so I figured it could pull any fiber, I missed, out.
Guess that makes me president of the Treehouse short bar association
Especially since the other contender, a certain Ms Bermy, has recently been seen in compromizing pictures, posing with long bars.