I'm glad that we aren't getting that snow.
Ended up being a decent day of work, weather wise. worked on the ground during some rain, before fighting my way around a big, old apple.
Worked at the next door neighbors'. Ended up with a rough looking pruning of a large apple that was let go 10+ years after major heading. Multi-stage restoration/ reduction...easier for regular pruning, and fruit production/ picking, along with being more storm-resilient. Bad apple canker should be helped with air and sun, I think. Lots of mulch generated for them to spread under the tree, which will hopefully help. A lot more light in their yard, which it really needed, as its the southern exposure in our sun-starved winter.
Got some big bamboo out of the job, too. 20' or taller. A large Arbor Trolley load, rolled right from their driveway to mine. 2" in diameter on the larger stuff. Should be interesting to build something out of it. Dahlia suggested a treehouse. The irony is that this rental has one tiny tree on it.
Got a new electronic control module installed after some more troubleshooting. Chip truck back in action... equipment is running at full strength.
Now to find a second good groundie. Wraptor is at the shop...bad accelerator pump. Should be back soon, along with an MS 361 (first saw I ever bought) and an MS 460.
I was itching to get this F450 and get rid of my 1/2 ton pick-up, but I might just outfit the two trucks. 1/2 ton is fully lettered, and pulls the stump grinder trailer or small trailer, plus its an automatic, and my parking is ridiculously tight for backing the chipper and trailers with a manual dually with poor visibility.
It fuel efficient, too, relatively. Back-up can be a good thing, plus storm work might mean splitting up. Some of the driveways around here are much more manageable with a SRW automatic, too.
Going on 10 years in legal business, come July. 10 years ago, I had that 361, $25 pole spurs, a rock climbing harness and two rock climbing ropes, gri-gri, screw lock biners, and a $75 used, little Mac for climbing. Astro van and 5 HP craftsman 3" chipper/ shredder.