You pros will get a kick out of this. You've probably done it hundred times and it's normal for you, but it was new to me. I got my throw bag stuck. I've got a 150' length of throw line and a bag at each end, a 12oz. and a 16oz. I have a maple behind the house that I was going to play around on yesterday, low and slow. I was shooting for a crotch about 35' up. I missed it and ended up slightly above it on another limb. I tried to pull the bag back down but it was stuck. Cussing at it didn't help, though I tried different words in different languages. What I ended up doing was throwing the OTHER bag higher but almost directly above it and lowered the second bag back down. I clipped a carabiner around the end of the line going TO the first (stuck) bag then clipped it through the ring of the SECOND bag. I pulled the second bag back up to the higher limb and tied the line to a tree to anchor it. All I had to do was pull on the end going to the stuck bag. The line now went from the stuck bag, to the higher bag, and back down to me. It pulled the stuck bag right up and out of the jagged remains of the small broken limb that was trapping it.
It might not be very exciting for you guys, but I was pretty happy to figure it out and retrieve the bag!