How'd it go today?

ROW work for the gas company will really slow down at the end of the month around here. Some bat from Indiana has reservations to nest April 1st. Knocked out a bunch of easy ones this morning and had two largish oaks this afternoon to strip. Went ok. Just one of those days where climbing felt like a chore. Couldn't get into it.
Did some stump grinding today.

I guess the guys had broke the fence panel loose from the posts. I fixed it yesterday. She was hinting that I should replace the whole fence because the posts were wobbly but the posts were rotted off in the ground.

This other guy wanted me to grind his stump but not disturb the bricks. No problem.

More of this very fragrant Daphne today… I love knowing what it's called now thanks to the treehouse.

Thanks Ian
Did they ask you if you wanted cash or you could have them invest the money? Like that cat that painted the walls of Facebook office and took the stock instead of cash. :O
Yeah there were some crazy arcs there above the roof.

Cool to see some stumping vids via August.
I don't know, very aggressive tread I suppose. And the fact that I don't have to take chains off when I'm driving on nice concrete .
Going firewood cutting today. I'm looking forward to it. Been quite a lack of chainsaw revving going on for me lately.

Spring is in the air here!
Set a storm job up for Friday and got a call to confirm some contract climbing in a week or two. then another CC call form a company I worked for last year that I'll refer out.

This Spring weather seems to be inspiring some folks. I'm still working toward inspiration...
Here too, priced out a removal and a 'hazzard reduction'/deadwooding, and got the go ahead for two more overhanging a house and shed. Have two small ash trees no clean up but grind stump to do this week if weather permits (today would have been nice, but had to meet with other HO's). 4 stumps at another place once the ground firms up a bit.

Sales and work at the motor shop has picked up, but nothing to write home about..... here may be....but not home.
You pros will get a kick out of this. You've probably done it hundred times and it's normal for you, but it was new to me. I got my throw bag stuck. I've got a 150' length of throw line and a bag at each end, a 12oz. and a 16oz. I have a maple behind the house that I was going to play around on yesterday, low and slow. I was shooting for a crotch about 35' up. I missed it and ended up slightly above it on another limb. I tried to pull the bag back down but it was stuck. Cussing at it didn't help, though I tried different words in different languages. What I ended up doing was throwing the OTHER bag higher but almost directly above it and lowered the second bag back down. I clipped a carabiner around the end of the line going TO the first (stuck) bag then clipped it through the ring of the SECOND bag. I pulled the second bag back up to the higher limb and tied the line to a tree to anchor it. All I had to do was pull on the end going to the stuck bag. The line now went from the stuck bag, to the higher bag, and back down to me. It pulled the stuck bag right up and out of the jagged remains of the small broken limb that was trapping it.

It might not be very exciting for you guys, but I was pretty happy to figure it out and retrieve the bag!
Fid: "I'm still working toward inspiration"
Yeah, I hear that, drag myself out of bed today, got the kids to school on time 2 days in a row now. Went to work and I had a blast. PTL for rope tech communication in our helmets. It really makes the day better.