How'd it go today?

Was that the one on the top of the steep cul de sac? You got it all done in a day then?

Yes, Mick. Left site just before 6. I need to make a video for Yale cordage. Hopefully there's some good enough footage from that tree to do it. If not, there a similar but smaller one in a couple of weeks.
Yes, Mick. Left site just before 6. I need to make a video for Yale cordage. Hopefully there's some good enough footage from that tree to do it. If not, there a similar but smaller one in a couple of weeks.

I always seem to time my days to finish at 4.30 very latest. If I had to work till 6 I'd probably burst into tears.
Really hard days can ruin me for a good while.
Yeah, that's too much work for one day, Reg.

Peter: Hang in there brother. The weathers been sucking up here, but the sun'll be out soon. You know that. Summatiiiiiiime, Summatime.

Pruning any amount of Douglas Firs these days. Up in some really beautiful trees, but my camera (flip phone) really sucks in low-light situations. Got to cut the pig down to get any shots one can even see. :(
My sister and I did a little training and walking with the dogs together today. It was nice to just hang out together with her and the dogs, and they got some free-play time together too.

Things are mighty peaceful around here since she kicked everyone else out of her place...relaxing:)
Still doing ROW clearing for the gas company. Only one upset property owner so far on this one. First he said he was gonna sue me, then said he'd send his dogs out if he saw me on his property, and then threatened to shoot me if I touched his dogs. I informed him I was just doing a walk through and I would send some one to talk to him. Let him know that three other people had witnessed the conversation ( thank you ropetek) and the police would be by to have a chat shortly. This was probably the closest I've come so far to an assault charge. Damn is it hard to be polite when someone tells me they're gonna shoot me. I wanted to say , mother f#*%!@$, look at your damn deed. It's on there!" And then break his jaw. Maybe these long hours are wearing on me. I'm almost to the "entitled neighborhood". That's when it's gonna get interesting. It was a decent day though. Cleared up to the assholes property and got a new "landing" set up on the other end. I'm three days work from him so that will give the legal team time to get him under control. If not I got more ROW to clear some where else. The push is on now. Less than 30 days to get it all down.
Those days are never fun Rich. I've done more than one job with the police standing around the property owner while we worked, heard a shot once and walked down the lint to find my bosses hunkered down behind their truck and a drunk farmer with a shotgun yelling from his porch, and me or my crew had been threatened with guns several times. Nope...not ever fun, but sometimes funny looking back on it.
Yeah I've had a farmer show up at a well site once. He just wanted to make sure we were supposed to be there. I'm sure most firewood thieves show up with a chipper and a bucket truck. His rifle was unloaded, just for show, but yeah it sucked. It rarely ends well for the guy. I don't take kindly to that.
Cops hauled away the one that shot. Boat-load of charges.

He was all happy earlier...I had talked to him to let him know we were heading his way... then he left to go to town...evidently had a few at the local watering hole and stewed on it and got himself pissed off. Boozed & peeved is never a good mix.
Urging the offended party to call the cops frequently works well.
Trimming ROW's, I've been chased off many times... once with a shotgun. I had his ass arrested!
A while back I related a story of how I was working for a company that runs the maintenance on a block of flats.
So we're having a teabreak and this guy comes up (one of the residents) and starts on about cutting healthy trees etc all bollocks of course. He caught me at a bad time and I started shouting back, got pretty ugly. Nothing physical.
I lost my professionalism, and in real terms I lost the argument, when you lose it they win.
Stay cool, follow procedure.
I've had my street closure announcement sign up for a number of days, the job starts tomorrow. I get a call today, my number is on the sign. He doesn't tell me his name or his proximity to the site, just right off the bat says he saw the board, and asks me if I have a permit. I tell him yes, both with the police and with the city office. Then he asks me if I informed the residents living close. I say yes to that too, wondering who he might be, because I went to all the residences that could be affected. "We'll, I'm not home during the day", he says. Nothing i can do about that, is all I can think to say, and I ask him who he is and where he lives. The trees are right by my shop, but I don't know him, and was informed that he lives a block away. He would in no way need to be affected by the closed street, lives on a main thoroughfare, but still he had a need to call me and make enquiries. I was very polite, told him that I am doing my best to minimise any inconvenience. You guys know that feeling if holding on to rising irritation. Exasperating, the conversation ended just in time. Right, stay cool.
And then at other times I've had someone get in my face and when I mention a willingness to break theirs all of a sudden their whining and moaning subsists. It doesn't always pay to act the doormat, some people need to be put in their place.
The Marines have it right: be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.

(you don't gotta kill 'em, you just got to be ready)