How'd it go today?

Gary, It looks like from your avatar that you dont suffer from a big belly, but maybe lower abdominal excersises?

Frans... my abdominals are strong. My lower back (Lumbar) is fairly strong as well. The injury is at the muscles on the right side of my spine, just above my lower back. The original injury was a muscle tear, and a lower back strain. I was flat out for about a month after the original injury.

The docs believe that it has just never fully healed and I keep tearing it slightly every so often. This is the 3rd time this has happened since the original injury in 1998.

I will be going in for physical therapy this time.

I was too stubborn and young to think I needed that kind of stuff earlier. ;) Dumb kid... LOL...

The original injury was a muscle tear, and a lower back strain. I was flat out for about a month after the original injury.

The docs believe that it has just never fully healed and I keep tearing it slightly every so often. This is the 3rd time this has happened since the original injury in 1998.

I will be going in for physical therapy this time.

Sounds like you might need some deep tissue massage to release adhesions/scarring that is leftover...they can give constant microtears that don't heal properly until they are "remodeled". A good stretching program is part of the program that remodels the tissue and helps it re-align properly the connective tissue.

Phys. therapists are the masters of this stuff. Good luck.
Stretching, strectching, and some more stretching. The more you stretch the better stretching starts to feel, I love it!8)

But yah listen to your doc, don't overdo it!
Its sounds like you need heavy doses of steroids to fix those muscles. Sure, there are some side effects, the occasional rage, shrunken testicles but just think how huge you could be.
Gary's already huge though, now I know Goliaths weakness :evil: , not so quick with the threats now heh sasquatch?:D
Go to PT dude. The last time I went they were all attractive young ladies working there.

You've obviously never been to PT at a military installation... LOL :lol:

Sounds like you might need some deep tissue massage to release adhesions/scarring that is leftover...they can give constant microtears that don't heal properly until they are "remodeled". A good stretching program is part of the program that remodels the tissue and helps it re-align properly the connective tissue.

Phys. therapists are the masters of this stuff. Good luck.

Thank you for that link Gary :thumbup:

Its sounds like you need heavy doses of steroids to fix those muscles. Sure, there are some side effects, the occasional rage, shrunken testicles but just think how huge you could be.

Then I can bee like Lex Luger, and be the "Total Package" :)

Gary's already huge though, now I know Goliaths weakness :evil: , not so quick with the threats now heh sasquatch?:D

I'm getting my passport soon Justin... just thought I would toss that out there... :lol: :lol:

Thanks you guys... appreciate all of it!

I'm in the Dr's office, I have a feeling it will be a while.

I finished (nearly) one job this morning, looked at two bids, now I wait.

Gives me time to work on my paper due tomorrow, or study for my exam tonight.
Doctor says he is 90% sure it's just a contusion (bruised) rotator cuff. He gave me a script for steroids and an excercize to do.

He said come back in a week, but if it isn't hurting to cancell the appointment.

Good news! :thumbup:
trimmed a hedge, cleaned a japanese maple up a bit, thinned a few armstrong maples and fruit trees at another site. bought ready to order some Chinese delivery in a few minutes. one report to do, one BIG report to start friday, two small reports to estimate. 4 phone messages to return, two small pruning jobs tomorrow. raining now, we beat it home but I think its gonna get us tomorrow! :)

edit: AND I came here right after logging in and clicked a few google ads :shifty:
Meh, slow day here.

I cleaned out yesterday's trash this morning from my van, got soaked, did some paper work, and sat around the office looking productive.
Cabled in the morning, and stood on the ground for the afternoon watching two guys Deadwood a Cypress. Mellow Day.

We used through bolts.
I bent the aluminum stock handle off so we shoved an iron bar into it and drilled a hole for the cotter pin.

That thing rips.

We have a Stihl gas powered drill, great device.
The handle is (was) designed to bend when you overload the come-a-long.

Ever use the Rig-guy wire stops for termination ends?

I used them for the last 4 steel systems I installed, and love them.

No more threaded rod, eye bolts, thimbles, or cable grips. Just drill, pass cable thru hole and install wire stops.
Holy Cow

did'nt want to start a new thread for this tidbit but this is how it went for these folks over in eastern washington.

MANSON, Wash. (AP) - A Chelan County fire chief says a couple were lucky they weren't killed by a cow that fell off a cliff and smashed their minivan.

District 5 Chief Arnold Baker says they missed being killed by a matter of inches Sunday as they drove on Highway 150 near Manson.

The 600-pound cow fell about 200 feet and landed on the hood of the minivan carrying Charles Everson Jr. and his wife Linda of Westland, Mich., who were in the area celebrating their one-year wedding anniversary. They were checked at Lake Chelan Community Hospital as a precaution.

The van was heavily damaged, including a broken windshield.

Charles Everson says he kept repeating, "I don't believe this. I don't believe this."

The year-old cow had been reported missing by a breeder. It was euthanized at the scene.