How'd it go today?

Yeah, Dave... Keep up the good work.

Little woods removals, and some bldg. clearance stuff today. Pretty easy day except that our corporate D.O.T. guy is in town and he's on a mission... the guy just LOVES dot regs like he was "made for this" (Hunnike). I've eluded him thus far, but I fear I'll be in his clutches tomorrow. :yes:

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Great pics!

Wanted to help an old friend with some wiring today...... kinda hard without framing.... his contractor seemed upset..... no idea why.....
Spent several hours looking for a replacement for my pickup this morning. Saved a few to go look at next week.

Talked with a res. tree service 2 1/2 hrs north of here about climbing for them for a couple months to finish out their season (main climber is leaving). I'd take the camper up and place to camp w/hook-ups, etc. is available. Talk went fairly well...We will talk again in a week.
Jed, care to explain that second stump?

We call that a sizwill, but it corresponds to the Oregonian "whizzy". Same idea...holds way more tension than a conventional hinge whenever you have side-lean or wind-load.

Dave: Best of luck with the new prospect!

Bucket removal today on a sweeping Alder, then some bldg. clearance. One of the most beautiful days I can remember. That autumnal sun mixed in with a few cirrus clouds is really something isn't it? Shoulda took better pics. :( unnamed-160.jpg
Went this morning and stripped out a smallish cherry in a flower garden for another crew. Easy as can be. Then went to the pine removal job I was supposed to be at. The boss went and filled in for me. Man can he make a mess. They had them all down but brush laying everywhere, yard tore up, and stubs galore on all the logs. Took another four hours to clean it up. Then went to do a couple quick maple removals and got a smallish cherry from a neighbor since we were already there. Finally stopped at a country club to flush cut a stump the crew supposedly missed. It was already cut but their damn maintainence crew just didn't want to deal with it. While there I looked at tomorrow's removal. Big red oak topping out around 100' between the tennis courts and the club house. Can't wait to hear them yell tomorrow about the noise.
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It was a good day till I got back to the shop and heard the bosses brother bragging about how they lost the air filter cover and both inner and outter filters, but they smartly stretched a t- shirt over it and ran it for 8 hours so as not to lose a day waiting on parts. While the boss and I are discussing getting another bc2100(or comparable) , he's out there sabotaging the whole operation. Does anybody know what a 275 hp cat engine cost? I don't, but I know it ain't gonna be cheap. Rant over
Not sure Jim. And now that I've been thinking it has a cummins. Our older chipper has the cat. The problem is he covered where the filter cover would be, with no filter over the intake. The air flow comes from above. Any dust or wood chips that get sucked in go straight into the turbo intake. I sent our mechanic a text ( he is also our local Lt FF), and his response contained many many explicit words