Our volunteer Dive Team for our county was part of "September Saturdays", a program here each year that features public safety folks...law enforcement, fire fighters, animal control, etc.
We are tasked under FEMA...they select us for certain missions...we do water and land, search, rescue, recovery. We are tasked most for water related missions but they do call us for land searches for missing folks...elderly folks that wander off, children that go missing, etc.
We sometimes work water safety for triathlons (you would be surprised at the number of people that start the swimming leg of a 200 yard swim in a murky State Park lake and learn that they cannot actually swim that far.

We try to get them before we have to switch into recovery mode.)
We are tasked for recoveries for drownings, rescue during floods / swift water, vehicle recoveries (last year we got to recover a brand new $80,000 BMW that Mr. Cool and Debonair lost control of at about 80 mph on a tight curve...he just squeezed between a guard rail end and an 8 foot high bank and skipped the car about 50 yards across the lake (at 2AM) until it sank. He managed to swim to shore OK).
A few months ago we recovered a .45 Glock that had been used to (attempt to) murder two attorneys in Atlanta and then the shooter suicided with the weapon. Police were able to get the deceased out of the small cemetery lake where he shot himself but needed help finding the weapon.
So, in the water we are usually looking for people, evidence or cars (cars are often dumped after joy rides after being stolen).
Our Dive Team received about 2 months ago a new trailer courtesy of our local EMA director pushing hard for grant money. We are a volunteer group so we had been doing everything in private vehicles. We now have a trailer to carry a lot of the gear...more importantly, we now have a dry, secure, out of the weather place to suit up, dress down, etc. which we can take to a dive site.
So this is the first year we have set up to display as part of Sept. Saturday. Here are some picts of the trailer and some of the folks that were intrigued with the gear and mission of the team. The first four pictures are last week, getting the trailer ready to show...the Red Power Ranger was loaned to us, courtesy of my grandson, Hayden. All the kids today [and lots of the adults were captivated with the Ranger...I thought every house had its own Power Ranger...right?
