Had a not so interesting incident today while riding the hook. Removing 11 tall Pines in some thick growth, the last one was a long reach for the crane, and other trees made for obstacles when getting the boom to the desired location for me to cable off. Moving in, the crane cable got caught on some outer canopy of another tree, and the operator didn't see it. He had limited visibility from his location. The boom kept moving in towards the tree we were going to take up, but not the cable. When it did release from the canopy it was stuck on, it gave me a real good swing towards the objective tree, I'd say about thirty feet. I got turned around and just managed to halfway jerk myself in a position to see where I was going, then smashed into the tree that we wanted to cable to, took it on my shoulder and was able to grasp on. Very fortunate that where I hit there were no protruding limbs. A quick stop like that might have been better than the cable hitting limbs and rad jerking the hook. Still, I could have been impaled if anything was sticking out, like those short stubby limbs that you can get on Pines. We well talked it over during the break. The op was most apologetic. One of those things that can happen very quickly. I didn't like that, both the collision and wildly swinging around out of control in 70 or 80 feet above the ground play land.
I've had short swings before, and the wind blowing me around for sure, but nothing like that. Another for the book. Speaking of dangerous work....