Be sure to get them on a high-line on a pulley, up off the ground.
Yup, there are some good trees around to get the pulley up high, no stub dragging!
Be sure to get them on a high-line on a pulley, up off the ground.
I'm a little down today, it's my son's 17th birthday, but he ran away when he was 15 and a half, to live with a girl, eventually moved with his mother, which is not a good place. I have legal custody of him since 2006, but he wanted to quit school and play video games all day, and I felt he could do better with his life..... at any rate, he's still not in school, possibly throwing his life away at worst case......
Can't even get a climb in today to destress, way too windy.....
You wouldn't get four over here, you can loose your licence after one or two depending how much over the limit you are.