How'd it go today?

Ha, you got that right Jim!

The owners kids were in tears thinking chickens were going to get crushed...I bet all smiles when the got home from school ;)
Turkeys too, it would seem!

My new climber started today. He is good. He doesnt play around in the tree. He thinks big. I like that. He isnt reckless, but sure doesnt drag things out and make them take longer then necessary. He might be better then me. I have a feeling he is. Not saying Im great, just saying I suspect he is better.
My new climber started today. He is good. He doesnt play around in the tree. He thinks big. I like that. He isnt reckless, but sure doesnt drag things out and make them take longer then necessary. He might be better then me. I have a feeling he is. Not saying Im great, just saying I suspect he is better.

So, are you happy about the situation Chris ?
My new climber started today. He is good. He doesnt play around in the tree. He thinks big. I like that. He isnt reckless, but sure doesnt drag things out and make them take longer then necessary. He might be better then me. I have a feeling he is. Not saying Im great, just saying I suspect he is better.

Hope he don't have other "Issues"...
I will stack the deck in my favor any chance I get when it comes to the talent of those around me...
If he's really good, he'll make you a lot of money...
Don't worry about who is better than who, think about the money you can make.

Well I'm not comparing dicks so to speak. What I mean is, putting him at the wheel isn't a step backwards for the business. I couldn't bear to put a beginner/novice at the wheel knowing darn well less is strong done then if I was in the tree.
Chris, good luck with the new guy. How did you find him?
My new climber started today. He is good. He doesnt play around in the tree. He thinks big. I like that. He isnt reckless, but sure doesnt drag things out and make them take longer then necessary. He might be better then me. I have a feeling he is. Not saying Im great, just saying I suspect he is better.

I just finished catching up.....I never skip through.

I'm glad you've got a good one Chris. I applaud the decision you made on the last climber. Live is too short to be surrounded by low grade people.

I know that sounds harsh.....but when a person just makes one bad decision after another they obviously have their priorities frigged up.

You let someone like that hang around and that attitude will rub off on you.

Hope he don't have other "Issues"...
I will stack the deck in my favor any chance I get when it comes to the talent of those around me...
If he's really good, he'll make you a lot of money...

As do I Matt.

Let em shine.
Didn't get any before pictures. You can imagine, it was old, twisted, and all over the roof. Took a lot of rigging to get everything off it. Spider-legged several limbs for a good swing out over the hillside away from the house. pretty neat. All went well. cheers.




Gunned it well, good face cut, pull line, but damn, it was still a little nerve-wrenching inching up to my hinge. Never know for 100% certain what a heavy side leaner will do. 8)
5 dive boats, a sonar boat, divers, a command center, etc set up at my house (100 yards away) right now. I live on a 80 some acre lake. Its private, only 8 houses on it. Guy up the road was out in an aluminum boat with his girlfriend and said "watch this, I can swim", and jumped in. Didnt work out. Theyve got huge light plants set up now since its dark out.
That's crazy?

But private lake with 8 homes? That's kinda crazy too? Sounds like a nice place to live, besides maybe today.
Its nice. The neighbors can be a little standoffish though. Towards me anyhow. Unless they need tree work. Then they are super nice.