Loads of work on, I haven't worked this hard sustained for a long time!
Two days on, two off (public holiday) , six on, one off...climbing every day, revisiting some topping repairs I did three years ago, the HH is really worth its weight in gold right now. Remembering when I did these trees DdRT, it's a lot easier this time around.
Working in Oz has improved my game for sure.
Got a week's worth of casuarina reductions coming up. Been trying to figure out a pulley system to help drag the branches up the sand dune hill they are growing on. No access for any machinery, nothing but uphill in sand...done it by hand twice before, nearly wrecked my groundies and me, NOT going to do it like that agin if I can help it! I'm thinking of a Z rig type setup, choke a bunch of branches and haul away.