How'd it go today?

Gosh Al, sorry to hear that. Hang in there, it is what she would want. You are a good man.
Oh my word. Al I am very sorry. I don't know what to say. My heart and mind are with you and your loved ones. What can we do for you? What can we as your friends do to be of any aid?

I am sorry Al.
So we have this massive cleanup effort beginning tomorrow in the wake of a 300 acre selective cut that was conducted this winter. We hired in a big time commercial outfit to get the timber (almost all Jack Pine) out. Left behind is a mass of small trees and brush, as would be expected. The company was supposed to use their forwarders to collect the debris. Suffice it to say they did a poor job, often made no effort at all. So it has fallen to me and my crew to facilitate the cleanup. We're going to use our excavator with a clam for the big stuff, and I'm hoping to try and "yard" the smaller tree-length stuff out to the service roads using our side-by-side ATV, an Antal rigging ring, and 150 feet of true blue, where it well then be fed into our chipper, blasted into a dump truck, and hauled away.
This is going to be an epic effort, and will likely take a few months to complete. If this concept of yarding the brush/tree-length debris out to the chipper works, I'll post some pictures. Should be a good test for the rigging rings anyways. Wish me luck.