Well, this week certainly has been a challenge.
Lilly finally got an appointment for her broken arm for Tuesday for either surgery or just a cast. Won't know until we get there.
Funeral last week end... Fair this week end. Lilly left out of riding rides at the fair is not going well. For all three that is. Her brothers have to wait until she is not there to ride rides so she is not left on the side lines witnessing them having a blast. Took them to the demo derby last night and that was cool. Then to the dancing area with a band. Lilly loves to dance. Monday, Lilly and I will have a special day with grandma and a movie while mom and the boys go to the fair for the rides.
Broke a leaf spring on the trailer Friday. Needed the mini down this mile long nasty gravel road with tons of pot holes. Trailer bounced a few too many times. Cycles to failure... So the leaf spring hunt begins. Going to set up tie downs in the truck just to get by until I get the trailer back up.
Datsun took a wet fart on the way up the grade the other night. Had to walk 1/2 way up 1200 feet elevation of grade (about 2 miles) before the cell had service. Had to have it towed home. Looks like a carburetor... Flooding out.
Seth to Boy scouts at 6:45 and mom to work at 5AM...
Pump house leaks... Fixed most of that and a pressure switch.
Seems no rest for me over the last week and starting this one as well. Hell, I never got any laundry done. Gonna be working in skivvies soon