How'd it go today?

Got a call from a bro, looks like I'll be going back into the woods for a spell. It's been awhile, some thinning I believe. I cant think of anything that I might need, saws are good. Most guys have a container hanging off their belts with some burning fuel that puts out a mosquito repelling smoke. I think I'm out of the fuel. If steep ground, legs will probably suffer for awhile. Should be a nice change of scenery in the jungle. :/: Try not to kill myself one way or another.
Commute, Stephen. Go to my friends's company, then we head off together. Both long and short commutes in the past. Guess a camping car could be handy.

I've walked down a lot of snags, but I don't think I've ever had one line up so neatly. This tree had a lot of downward pressure to begin with, and when I'd release the stem it was spiking in pretty good. ended up 180 and facing back at the road . . . Dead Hemlock


Full disclosure; At one point I had TWO saws stuck in this damn tree. Old 440, making my back-cut, and the hollow base just collapsed on the bar, locked her up tight. Grabbed the new 441, started down at an angle to slide it off, collapsed again, locked down tight. OK, who the hell hired this guy! back to the truck for a scrench, took off both powerheads. Grabbed my 026 and started poking at it until it slid. What can ya do?

Is that some kind of art project? :lol: Those things can be tricky, no jive, at least for me. Good reminder, I have to go back and reread the excellent input in a thread about that activity. Hope it is still there.
Spanked a hundred foot, triple stemmed sugar maple( crotched out 20 feet up) that was splitting and pulling apart at the crotch and hollow in 2 of the 3 leaders, with one side out over a 3 phase today. Banged that sucker out in 2 hours and was happy to get out of my saddle. That one had me uncomfortable until I got some serious weight out of the top. I lowered though a few crotches to spread the load. I love trees that have some height to them so I don't have to dick around lowering small crap.
Nice work, guys.

Had a new Okie start today. Another of Amy's friends moved from OK. He and his girlfriend stayed with us for 5 days and moved into an apartment. He was new to tree work, having been a landscaper at a formal 'estate' at the Philbrook Museum of Art in Tulsa.

We had one of our few rental-lift jobs of the year. 50 degree leaning Euc about 40' tall, over the neighbors skylight and shrubs, one dead and one dying Euc over a greenhouse, lots of vines. Then used it to knock apart a previously topped weeping beech tangled mess that I was going to otherwise climb, for better and worse, mostly worse. Easy drive-up, concrete set-up for the latter job, after a huge fight with the surge and a defunct vegetable garden bed sandwiched between concrete walls surrounding some shallow pits on one side and a concrete block retaining wall on the other.

All worked out in the end.

Jay, the new guy might head up landscaping projects for me. A good diversification, if someone else can handle a lot of the responsibilities and work. I can provide infrastructure and legal business stuff. Time will tell. He might just go out on his own by spring. I would think about it if I were him, at least partially, on the side.
Had a rough one today, left my chipper on the jobsite to ease doing estimates on the way home.
This am fire the chipper first branch and POW

So a trip home (note to self keep spares on truck) find a very nice piece of rebar on dismantle:mad:
Back to work few hrs later and I yell for chipper to be shut down as I heard it miss a couple times. Sure enough chipper empty and lost prime so another hr wasted plus 10 gal of fuel.
Then lightnin with a hr to finish so we have to go back.
Rant over!
I am poor with names myself Woody.... No worries, I knew who ya meant ;)

I always keep a spare set in the truck Joel... Sucks if you forget them .... Seems to always find metal or a rock when you don't ... I feel ya man.
Been having a hell of a go of it here the last week or so. Broke my mini twice last week. 1st time while carrying my falling axe in by my feet head down. It fell over and ripped a hole in the bottom if the oil cooler. Hydro fluid everywhere. Then two days later a drive chain broke on the job site. Fun times getting it loaded and to the shop. Drive chains on a ramrod are a nightmare and I wrench a lot.

Today takes the cake. Broke a chain on a lag hook buried about 30 years into a cottonwood. Whipped around and took out the tank on my TW ported 460. I'm due for a run of good luck now I hope.
I shoulda snapped a pic of the chain. Man did it hit hard. It totally destroyed a cutter. Chain broke on the cutter link. Mushroomed the front and bent it back so hard it mushroomed the back of the tooth to where it had bent over into the chain. Carnage.

No one got hurt though!
Crazy Squish.. I hope luck turns soon for you.. Felt like that the last couple weeks here with all the malady that went on

Just hoping for rain here. Really tired of smoke from all the fires. Lilly and I were up all night. Rob said he did not sleep well. Smells like everything is on fire so you keep waking up. Can't breath well. He and I stayed close to home today in case my asthma flared up. Both of us came home with headaches. Lilly, Levi and Kat are all congested and having issues sleeping. It's been all summer it seems.

Contractor on the job site today had a Ram Rod. Never see Minis up here save for ours. It was cool to compare. We smoked em at loading time :D

Sold two more days of work today to a new customer. Have two more consults this week and I am already booking December and next year. Crazy busy! I had a couple clients cancel out about 5 days work total and they filled right up. Peoples finances are tight, but there is still some money floating around I guess,
Contractor on the job site today had a Ram Rod. Never see Minis up here sapve for ours. It was cool to compare. We smoked em at loading time :D

Ha. That's cause I wasn't running it. I can run the ratsnag off of anything. Which is probably why at 1400hrs my mini is beat!
Today was better air.. Not great but better.
Paul, the Wraptor saved the day. Not much height as far as ascents go, but with out good lungs, not always possible. Few live oaks I had taken the mistletoe out before on but HO had let go again :roll:
Anyway... Went up third tree and was able to just swing over to the next (the biggest one) tree. A multi leader I had never much touched. FINALLY!. This tree hardly had any mistletoe in it few years back but needed some thinning.. Layer on layer of dead and crossed limbs. Now mistletoe. Got 1/3 of the tree done and 3 others. 4 hours aloft. Nice I did not have to expend much energy on the first three.
Had to have a nebulizer treatment last nigh just to sleep my lungs were so tight. Wraptor to the rescue again!:hello1:
Stopped by an estimate for a removal at that place that called for a cat rescue. Drop and buck... One of those quick cash at the end of the day jobs.. Sweet! No clean up, no moving it... just cut. 10 foot lengths for the HO to use for a parking area. Some days just work for me :D
Wifes birthday today we arrived in Pigeon forge Tn. Our first look at mountians since moving from Vermont, boy do I miss em!

Headed to do some panning and scout my climb!