How'd it go today?

Oh all freakin things both rear spring shackle brackets gave way on my Ranger and nearly punched the leaf springs through the bed .I never heard of such a thing but in surfing the net I guess a few years Ranger were prone to it .

Never the less I replaced them this evening after working a 12 hour shift .It's days like this that makes me realize I'm not a spring chicken any more .On the other hand I can still do it so I guess things could be worse .:)
Crazy huh?
This kid will climb a vertical granite face free style twice her height easy since age 3. She monkeys right up trees better than her brothers. Falls off the last two rungs of a ladder. I fuggen hate ladders.
Poor Lily!

Being young she should heal quickly and completely with any luck.

I had quite an unusual fracture and dislocation when I was about 10 or 11, healed up perfectly.
Hate to hear about your little girls arm, I hope they can just set it and it heals fine. It amazes me how tough kids are, and how fast they heal.


Little birch with a dead top leaning over a old slate roof. Nothing fancy, just yanked the offending leaders and trimmed back the rotten portion of the stem. I told the property owner that this tree will likely not make it much longer, but she was adamant.

Al, how is it that you work sooo much?
It's a long story but the short of it is I'm on basically the same work schedual that Rotax Robert was on .12 hour days basically 15 days out of the month .The other is just overtime money being for now 7 days a week if I choose to .

It's like the gold rush or to coin a phrase from the song "Smugglers Blues ". It's the lure of easy money,
It's gotta very strong appeal .;)

Here was our patient for the day. Id post and after pic, but it looked the same after. Just deadwooding and getting it off the house.
