How'd it go today?

Ya When I was seven a bumble bee got my in the eye lid. But, since then, Ive never seen one act aggressive. In fact, they seem passive.

I removed a little leaf linden last year that was loaded with bugs that were hardly visible to the eye, and those things, whatever they were, feasted on us all the way back home on the highway. It wasn't until I got in the shower that they were gone.
Maybe he simply wanted to mate with you? Do bumblebees have stingers? Around here they get curious sometimes, but are seldom aggressive. I hardly pay them attention, too many other flyers to worry about. When the Giant Asian makes a presence, it is all I pay attention to.
I once had a big fat bumblebee chase me 100 yards, and even THEN we had to do battle! Lucky for me those fat bastards move slow and can be swatted down with a sweat towel.

I couldn't believe he followed me that far. I was under another tree, catching my breath, thinking I'd lost him... I was wrong!

They have many horseflies that do this as well. Also those carpenter bees look a lot like Bumble Bees and don't sting. I am not saying you didn't have a Bumble bee chase you just saying. If we don't have a thread already maybe we should start one on insects we encounter in our day to day adventures of being tree guys?
Fine thanks.... Eyes feel tons better yesterday and even better today. Left one was swollen and runny Friday night and early Saturday morning. Getting bit in the tear ducts hurt like hell. Hateful little buggers
:D I did that yesterday I think too! Can anybody post a pick of stinging ants?

This is the culprit I run into almost daily. Velvety tree ant. Heck of a bite for a little ant and alos injects venom. They release a shat load of formic acid as well. My boots and clothes still smell of it. I think they spray you so their swarm can find you and know to attack. And there in lies the problem. They swarm you.
Catch 22 as well. They are a pollinator. Kind of important. But damn you just want to kill them all after they swarm ya...
I carry a can of ant ant spray in the truck just for these bastards.

Velvety Tree Ant Pics

Velvety Tree Ant Basic Info
Glad your doing better! That thing looks serious! Down here we have some similar to that I believe. I have never ran into a nest though just several of them at a time here and there. Only see them in the tree or brush and there are fast. I guess about 1/2" long
These only grow up to about 1/4 inch. That tree Friday had several nests in dead wood. Usually you only find one or two nests.
They are really active right now looking for water due to the drought.
And they love mistletoe damage in trees... Big time!
Climbed with chaps over trousers the other day...just couldn't face wearing chainsaw pants all day as it was stinkin' hot and I would be doing ground work as well.
Was ok, but spoiled my cool climber look, more like a misplaced logger...

Cutting invasives off coastal cliffs and rubble...
Ants! Couple years ago I tripped a dead ash that must have been at least 90 feet .I used Toms' Hi-Ranger to kick out about 25 feet of the top .The freakin little ants about ate me alive before I got out of there .

Oddly enough the bottom portion of the tree was hollow and it housed a colony of big black carpenter ants which did not bite .I would not have thought that two distinctly different species of ants would be in the same tree .
Got to my shop in the morning and immediately saw some outfit doing removals nearby. Kind of watched from a distance then went to work. Glanced over now and then and saw a young lady directing operations. They had a truck mounted crane. Later on she walked down the road to see if they could turn around and I collared her, introduced myself and enquired if they might need help from time to time. Nice young lady, she came back with two guys (chaperones?) and came into the shop. We had a nice talk, she said that she had just purchased a mill and wanted to get into woodwork as well. I offered the possible use of my machinery. From a few towns over, they mostly do thinning contracts it seems, removals around residences when the work comes in. I get the impression that the girl was the daughter of the older guy that also came into the shop, no doubt the owner. He looked like a working fool too. They seem to work efficiently and nice folks, be good if some work association develops. They knew the crane outfit that I usually work for, seemed quite respectful of that fact. Later on when they pulled out she was driving the rig, pretty cool. ;) If all facts be known, quite a pretty lady too. Good to meet people in the business.
... no doubt the owner. He looked like a working fool too. .... If all facts be known, quite a pretty lady too.

Just curious, what made him look like that to you?

Get some pics next time of the wench!

Chris, how bout more Parris Island stories?
Finished dead wooding and thinning this respectable blue oak today. I had done the back side on a day with Kat and the kids while back. HO had some money issues and Rob and I got to go back and finish it today. Sold a cable job as well.
Such a nice tree I thought I would share it.


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No, no targets and it has had a previous limb tear off it. I took some weight off it. The callous on the tear should hold it fine. The union at the trunk quite healthy. Doubt it will ever fail in their (HOs) lifetime. It sits in a sheep field. They can see it from the kitchen and want it cared for enough so as it not completely fail. It took a beating on one side in the storms couple years ago due to neglect since it's last prune. Too much dead wood and weight, add heavy wet snow and 60 MPH gusts. Rare where they are at elevation wise. But when it happens. Should have better air flow now and balance. Huge amounts of layered dead in it. It was a mess.
The Cabling I sold them is in their garden with another blue oak. 3 co-dominant stems with poor unions. Should the weak one fail, it will take a whole bunch of things with it. Fence, gate, green house, plumbing, fruit trees. All three stems are no more that 10 feet apart at 2/3rds the height. Be an easy job.
Hanging with little D today. Doing some admin. Proofing a report. Banking. ETC.

Amy is gone for three nights this week for work on a White Pine Blister Rust research project with the US Forest Service, having left early this morning. Should be an adventure tonight for Papa and D. Probably easier tomorrow. Might resort to a bedtime drive and attempt the unlikely, a transfer from car seat to arms to bed.

Next week will be the same. Last week was only two nights, and late home on the third.

Its really good that I'm not having to travel now with Parks, and am doing the morning routine 7 days a week.

Note to parents of young toddlers, Amy built onto this Ikea stool we have to make a Learning Tower... While standing on it, she is waist level with the counter, so is present for meal prep, 'helping' to crack eggs, etc. Snacking while watching. Able to reach the sink for hand washing, etc.

A little scrap maple, some screws on hand, and some rattle cans of paint.