How'd it go today?

Every time a piece of glass was broken by my crew, we have had our glass guys get right on it. Every time it has made more business for us just because we stood up, took responsibility and got it fixed. One time over the phone when I was on vacation as I recall.
Integrity is a great seller of services.
If a tree guy has a glass guy listed in his phone memory, you can pretty much figure for sure that it has happened before. Carpenters and roofers...the whole nine yards, even demolition experts! :wall:
We have two... one mobile that handles vehicle glass, and the other local that handles houses/buildings.
You know some of our gear can throw stuff 75-100 feet given the right conditions :|:
We haven't ever broken glass/roofs/hit structures or fences. I've busted water lines bringing equipment in, and even sunk equipment into old unused sceptic tanks that nobody knew was there. That sucks to fix. But you are right butch, how you handle when the inevitable shows up is what defines your character .
Believe it or not, that was a test question when I was going through a week long McDonald's mgt class, in New Orleans. It holds true for just aboout everything.
When the crane operator didn't lock off the jib and the Oak crushed a roof with an elderly couple inside, I was vaguely impressed to see him on the phone within one minute, just stepping out of the cab. I don't know that at the time it was of such solace for the residents, they were fairly shook up. First I thought it was my fault, not properly locking off the cable. Operator was running a fever that day. We had to blue sheet a good part of the roof, the least we could do. Even with doing the best you can to make amends in a situation like that, it doesn't quite get it. Those are not acceptable occurrences.
Well the Dewalt 1/2 drill and ratchet driver set came in handy to day for my honey do list.
I am finally getting back on that pump shed project. We were waiting on a 200 amp panel that I also bought with my winnings from that drawing. I gave my Pressure tank to Rob for the house next door, but a new one to replace it is on order. I already have the 1 HP pump and the wire pulled.
Now all everything needs is to be plumbed in and hooked up.
I also have to drain the 3000 gallon tank that was sitting just for CDF requirement as a fire fighting water supply.
So I ran a temp pipe down to the garden to mix a little gravity and hydraulics to help water the garden with it. I will then pressure wash the tank, fill it and chlorinate it, let the chlorine dissipate and then use that water for toilets and what not. Fill it again and then put the valve on timer for night filling. Should save a little on electrical and not tax the pressure pump so much from the well.
Fixed a gate...
Replaced the hinges on the shed doors....
Bought some new boots... On sale in town.
Productive day........
You break it, you fix it.
I cracked some pavers and broke a clay pot with a high lift...replaced all including new flowers in the pot.

I spiked up one of those bird of paradise stems last week, only about 10' but wibbly wobbly. Mack's right, full of water and heavy.
This summer we are being invaded by spiraling whitefly, the BoP's are covered in them, spent yesterday using imidicloprid can't spray them when they are 20' tall! The aesthetic threshold was passed about a month ago, things are covered in masses of bugs and fluff, ick.
Finished up a 70' pine in elevated garden. Customer wanted everything tied off but too steamy and hot. So we dropped small pieces in a tight DZ and everything worked good. Just got a wood chip out of my eye with cold water. It seems to work well. I did it awhile back and worked good as well. Maybe cold water helps pores in your eye lids close up and pushes out the wood chip?
Worked on a friend's mahogany had been planted in memory of her infant daughter who died of SIDS 25 yrs ago. It got a bit bashed about in a hurricane a few years back, and was top and tip heavy and needed some restoration. Spent five hrs in the bucket with secateurs and hand saws. I know how much the tree means to her and her husband, it was a labour of love, gave them friends and family rate. So did our other friend who I sub for his bucket truck and dump truck. She was a bit emotional and took lots of pictures.
That sounds like a rewarding job though Bermy. Maybe not a very profitable one but good for your reputation. Sounds like you are a good guy like most everyone on this forum. This is an awesome forum! Thanks Butch!
I know we talked a little about Mahogany before, particularly the bro on the island that isn't posting anymore. What species of Mahogany do you have there, Fiona, and can you get some in wood supply places? That would be a luxury! Boat people must want the wood.
Yes, its nice to do something special for a friend.

We have Swietenia mahogani (sp) west indian mahogany.
I remember we had this conversation before Jay! The big trees are in old gardens, and very rarely is there any wood of size that comes out. One exception is one I did a few years ago, took out a long branch about 15' x 10" dia. They have kept that in their garden to season.
I do have some nice pictures from May this year, once I get back to Tas I'll post a few, I don't have the thingy to download my pictures from my camera.

Ya, what happed to Swingdude? He was in Barbados, pity he's not hanging out here lately.
Yes we did talk about it, I seem to be repeating myself more, wonder why? Someone wants a front door, Mahogany is the first choice, looked all over but impossible to find. Man, it used to be abundant, huge slabs of the Honduran, at least. I don't think quite as desirable as West Indian, but still very great wood. Looking forward to the pics. Swingdude came in like a lion and went out like a lamb. Too bad, he had some interesting perspective.
Jay FWIW a old wood worker friend passed and his wife has all of it to part with he had at least 8+ slabs 12 wide and 10 or 12 ft long, his whole wood shop is just sitting and I'm sure the price is right.
For me today dog got stitches out after a grueling load of three dead pines and a oak just managed to fit it all via Cole slaw! Hot today also hit 104 came home and finished my home made knee ascender. Slung a rope over a shade side and tried it out. Amazed. Some dial in on foot loop length and a few stitches
Joel, thanks for mentioning it. A wood buying foray to the US would be awesome. Some rather big jobs coming in would be required to do it. Importers do bring in foreign stock, but pretty much just the most common basics. If someone did have Mahogany here, they would also want your soul for it. I've asked wood dealers if they would trade for furniture, seems to me to be a reasonable exchange, but surprising how many of them aren't much interested in what can be done with what they sell. I might be working on something in the shop, maybe complex, and most won't even bother to look at it if they stop in for some reason. Just business, that's all. Makes me feel sorry for the wood, not being more appreciated the whole way through.
Roped out a lot of wood today. My groundman has gotten the feel in the last few months. The special touch if you know what I mean. Now is where he and I can spread our wings......