How'd it go today?

I didn't mean it to be rude. I'm guessing it took longer to talk about it and collect the money than to actually do the work. I always work cheap for neighbors. No way I want my comp rolling close to my home turf.

Some small jobs are better being a lost leader so you can reel in the big ones.

No I was telling him it beats a loss. Wasn't throwing a jab at you.
Smacked the tree once today due to bark coming off. Feet then slip... Swing... Hit a knot... Nice round red circle that hurts like hell on my sternum...
Found an ant nest of really pissed off stinging tree ants... My eye lids and tear ducts got hit.
I called it a day after about 5 hours of the torture. Had to bail due to ant nests twice.
Multi leader tree, so I got what ones I could do.
Going back in cooler weather to finish it and dead wood another. Fuggen ants :P
We all know... I once had a badass caterpillar caught between my saddle and my skin...

Not fun at all!
I lowered a limb out of a tree yesterday and as it swung by me I saw a hornets nest in it. My groundman had to untie the limb and drag it away from our work area. He didn't get stung though. I bailed out of the tree because the were swarming up there looking for their hive. Told the picky HO, "Im smashing a few hosta plants by laying this tree over whole. I refuse to take the tree apart manually and get stung repeatedly for the sake of hosta plants that cant be killed even if you are trying".
I ran into some ground hornets when logging that when they would sting you it felt like quarter inch drill bits going into your skin. Those things didn't let up either. They would chase you all the way back to the landing.

Parris Island was loaded with fire ants that I wasn't pleased with. I rememeber standing still and letting them chomp away at me because swatting away at them would land me a rough housing/straight beating from my Drill Instructors.
They will have sex with your skin with their stinger. I say that without laughing. Think quarter inch drill bit just shagging away at your skin.
A man runs like a gazelle in Africa with a lion on its tail when he gets into a nest of those. I cant prove it, but the day I got into the ground hornets I am pretty confident I broke land speed records.
Must be what got me when trimming from a roof once, or something similar. One little bugger hitting me in the elbow repeatedly. Got out of there before his buddies came, or I don't know what would have happened. Even so, swelled up like a football, had to go to the hospital for a drip. No joke is right.
I once had a big fat bumblebee chase me 100 yards, and even THEN we had to do battle! Lucky for me those fat bastards move slow and can be swatted down with a sweat towel.

I couldn't believe he followed me that far. I was under another tree, catching my breath, thinking I'd lost him... I was wrong!