How'd it go today?

Had some unexpected visitors today.
The balloon had been stuck over my land for almost ½ hr, in a dead calm.
So I walked down there and they yelled down asking if it was ok to land.

Last time I had a balloon land in my yard in AZ.... I got some wine, smoked a cigar and sipped a glass with the crew, and got a sticker and pin for the event... Now granted, I helped them land from out of a field of cactus while sporting a robe since I was just out of bed. We (neighbours helped) pulled the ropes till we could set it down in the road from the field adjacent. Was a great morning :)

As far as today...
Gotta love making a dump run and selling a grand worth of work after you get off the phone with a client that scheduled 61 man days from January through august of 2014. He will schedule more from September 2014-December 2014 once we start February 2014. Just deposited 12 man days from him this last week. Sometimes I just wanna hug that guy :lol:
Why not?
Sounds like the perfect occasion for a bottle of Romanian "Champagne".
Doing well today, overall, but I think I got some spore to the lungs action from forking chips for mulch paths. A little flu-ish feeling.

Settling in to a new family routine now that we are back from our vacation and visiting our friends, whose home birth (teepee birth actually) turned into an emergency C-section. We went to help our for a few days after grandma left to go back to work back at home. Its great to have time to work on minor day to day projects around the place.
Topped some casuarina windbreak...yup, topped. back to pencil sized sprouts on 4-6" branch nasty work. 18 trees all about 10-15'. Lots of spear cuts, three year regrowth goes straight up 8-12'...easy to drag out and pile though. Spear cutting avoids damaging the natives growing in nearby

It's the approved method of maintaining trash tree windbreak for nature reserves...even a pencil size sprout will grow fine with minimal watersprouts nearby, they are on a 3-5yr cycle. When the native stuff has filled in sufficiently they are girdled and left to die slowly. Works a treat.
This was yesterday, actually (internet has been out):

Nine mile paddle trip on the Antietam Creek:

Antietam Creek Cows :lol:
Oh yeah ... HEAVY FINES here. We were with an environmental group that maintains the creek. So, I'm sure there were reports filed. :\:
^^^ LOL 8)

I got a text last night from a friend about a job today...called him in the morning, some coconuts needed 'denutting' on an island out in Hamilton Harbour...I turn up at the dock, kitbags out, get picked up in a beautiful cedar dinghy called 'Legless' tootle over to the island, run up on the beach, toss out all kit, 6 coconuts to do (right over the patio where the Mrs. got beaned by one last year!)...sunshine, sand, calm, kids out in the harbour on sailing camp swimming around 'cause there's no breeze, laughing and carrying on...reminded me of when I was 12 and on sailing camp. $200 to work in georgeous surroundings and have a 'I remember when' moment.
I love my job!
Td'd two trees on a four tree removal job. Ahead of schedule which is nice. I'm low bid and going to clean house because none of my comp have a mini or anything else besides backs for loading wood or dragging brush.