How'd it go today?

Thanks for the input Sean, I had been debating over that. Good to hear you have had a positive response from the ads. Seems like an ad with some time put into it would attract attention. I should have my contractors license on the next few weeks (depending on when baby decides to show up), then will be putting together some more intense marketing. So far, it has been word of mouth and through friends!
Goodman and Cole- Liked
Filled a Chevy3/4 ton clear up to the roof line in about an hour and a half with firewood helping my wifes' cousin . I have to fill in for another guy this afternoon at work 12 hrs 6 to 6 .Sucks being off shifted but it pays damned well .
Ended up tipping more burnt dead trees off the road today.. Spooky pounding wedges into them. Biggest was about 115-120 foot. Had to stack some and it tipped right as the hinge gave with a pop..... Run Forrest!!!!
Alls well that lands well. Glad that is done with for a while!
I pulled that stunt with a stone cold dead hickory a few weeks back. Wires behind it and a garage beside it. Didn't have ropes or anything with me. A favor for a friend spur the moment. The wedges it took to stand it up and get it moving were enough wedges to really lift up on that hinge. In the same moment that tree committed to the fall, that hinge quit the job and went pop. I was nervous. I was pounding, and pounding, and pounding on those wedges and this tree just wouldn't get moving. I started wondering if I underestimated the back lean. I think I did. Yes, I got it over without incident, but I believed when I got started that it would play out differently. I called it a failure.
Sounds like some pretty tricky trees, Stephen.
At least that is something we never have to deal with. Way too wet here for trees to burn.

On that note:
The lovely frost and snow, we've had is coming to an end. Tomorrow a warm front moves in, turning it all to slush.
Working in the woods is going to be hell.

I've just waxed my 3 pairs of Wescos in preparation.
My oldest pair is about done in, having been rebuildt twice.
May have to spring for another pair of custom caulks before spring.
Is it just straight wax? I used to use Sno-Seal, which had a lot of beeswax in it years ago. It was a nice bright yellow and now a dull tan. I switched to Obenauf's. A little pricey,compared to SS, but seems like good stuff. Beeswax and propolis and natural oils.
It is Wesco's own wax product.
I don't know what is in it aprt from Beeswax, but it sure works well.
Thanks guys...
Yeah, Any more burnt trees in that area are going to be pulled after yesterday. That was the last hurrrah as far as coaxing any with a wedge. No worries throwing with the lean... Against the lean, a crispy tree is a whole different critter. That road is pretty much clear now where we do our work. Probably be only doing little live grey pines from here out because they make people nervous and pissy when they block the road from up rooting :lol:
Getting over stomach virus stuff for the three of us!!!! Woke up feeling normal. Just in time for an out of town work trip for three nights, M, T, W... unless we can rock out and get done early enough to come home Wed night.
I lifted a dead oak right off the hinge being stupid .Back leaner 30 plus years ago I tried to tip with two stacked steel wedge with only 3/4" of hinge .Didn't work so well .
Yeah, I bet that made a noise and caused a feeling in your stomache Al!

Took an easy day today. Toook out some brush for a solar array while Rob split wood for a customer. I rode the tractor pushing in burn piles as I got each one ready cleaning up storm debris... Just a mellow day :)
Speaking of up rooted trees, has someone the vid where a Swedish instructor (maybe) demoed how to handle the blow over trees after a storm?
It was well made and very informative.
I recorded the link of the whole thread but it was on the gypoclimber place, so no more available, and I can't find it again on youtube.