Worked next to a Nextel Radio tower knocking down stone dead d-firs at the edge of the grove, pulling them through the tight forest canopy, fingers crossed that the tops didn't go over backwards toward what I would guess is a bit more expensive than a house.
The went to knock down some dead/ dying doug firs with laminated root rot in an older growth stand in a park. Couple big ones, a super tall for its diameter fishing-poled (like it had a Big salmon on) d-fir, naturally aimed at a water spigot (scared the spigot). Scared a picnic table with another, but the CCC kitchen shelter had a good 20' clearance. The other crew tagged one of these CCC shelters with a dead tree two years, but with only minor, relatively easy to repair damage. didn't want to make it two.
Got off early because I worked late Monday, got some work done around the house before the rain hit. Babysat D from 530 til 1030p while Amy taught a forest health class to small forest landowners for her job. Boy, was D ready to see mama again. She doesn't like sleeping laying down with anybody but mama. I was pretty beat last night and ready for some horizontal z's. She's growing up fast, eating pureed squash, avocado, etc.