How'd it go today?

No need to gut that one, it's naturally gutted...just leave the hinge thicker. It's the outer portions of the hinge that resist tearing out to side lean. The rot and hollow in the center is of no consequence.
Andrew, it is not simply a matter of the method "looking" risky to my my experience there is not a single respected sawyer's training resource that would agree with your technique. The fact that you have been successful with it over the years does not change the reality that it carries inherent hazard. Plenty of chainsaw operators have used a slanted back cut (just one example) for a long time without finding out the serious problems that can arise from the practice, but that doesn't make them correct.

I apologize if it seems I'm being particularly critical of you, my friend. Not my intent at all.
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It is kind of like the military. Break you down and then build you back up even better.

Andrew, Burnham is giving you some really good adivce. He is only trying to help. :)
Yup, Burnham corrected me of a bad habit of walking around with spurs on, accident waiting to happen even though I never worried about it...
We went to visit the estate where I do a lot of work yesterday...had a walk about, checked everything that was on the list, still a bit early in spring to do we went fishing.
Hitched up the boat, went to the nearby lake, and caught a nice trout, just over 2lbs, first fish caught from the 'Huckleberry' on this side of the planet,. Bob cleaned it up and smoked it, hickory and peach shavings...boy oh boy it was good!
Hell of a day today, had to take an hour and a half drive to Louisville to pick up a load of stone for a parking area were putting in. Picked it all up ok, made it back to within 10 minutes of the job and I blow a tire on the trailer. So 45 minutes and $400 later I have a new tire and am on my way. Got it all dumped, should be more than enough for the job. Dad and our other employee are finishing it up today. I'm taking the day off for my bday, turning 20 today. Heading over to Louisville for the weekend with my girlfriend to watch the kytcc and check out some cool sights, should be fun. She's happy since her mom volunteered to watch the baby for the weekend so she's super happy to have a bit of a break haha. She just turned 18 two days ago, so this trip is kind of a joint bday gift for the two of us. Guess I'll see you guys again around Monday.
Ya, and B even has the nerve to suggest I not climb trees that may collapse with me in them. He comes off with some wild stuff, that guy.
Just cleared some service power lines and took a few branches of an old fig plus two small weed trees, going back in a few weeks for a bit more work.

I've been there before a couple of years ago but she lost my number. She found it again after asking the mower guy to cut back some branches over the driveway, the power went off in the house and when she came out he had cut through his electric chainsaw lead.:O

She reckons that's the first time she ever saw a white Indonesian.

Nice lady, I knew her from somewhere but didn't ask. Googled her name when I got home and she was in a lot of tv shows and radio, runs a drama class from home these days.8)
Worked next to a Nextel Radio tower knocking down stone dead d-firs at the edge of the grove, pulling them through the tight forest canopy, fingers crossed that the tops didn't go over backwards toward what I would guess is a bit more expensive than a house.

The went to knock down some dead/ dying doug firs with laminated root rot in an older growth stand in a park. Couple big ones, a super tall for its diameter fishing-poled (like it had a Big salmon on) d-fir, naturally aimed at a water spigot (scared the spigot). Scared a picnic table with another, but the CCC kitchen shelter had a good 20' clearance. The other crew tagged one of these CCC shelters with a dead tree two years, but with only minor, relatively easy to repair damage. didn't want to make it two.

Got off early because I worked late Monday, got some work done around the house before the rain hit. Babysat D from 530 til 1030p while Amy taught a forest health class to small forest landowners for her job. Boy, was D ready to see mama again. She doesn't like sleeping laying down with anybody but mama. I was pretty beat last night and ready for some horizontal z's. She's growing up fast, eating pureed squash, avocado, etc.
007.jpg Burnham, you are a great prestige for me, and I remembers every word you said. The previous night dreamed me kashmar in which every time someone was trying to bite me in the ass. - :) Today I again applied his method. The trunk had topless tilt in the direction indicated my harpoon ... The result is positive. P.S. I do not know the name in English is my device named (harpoon), which I use when working in a bucket truck ...
A harpoon picture, please.

Is your 2 rope system with one rope for winching, and the second rope set at 90 degrees to the winch to prevent it from tipping sideways?

Are both ropes set in the same direction?

Are you the man that only makes the mess, or do you do your own clean-up? Me, when I work for the State Parks system, I'm generally a professional mess-maker, whereas when I work my own residential business, we generally have to do clean-up. Some TreeHousers are pro-MMs, like Skwerl/ Brian and MasterBlaster/ Butch, while others do the disposal, too (of have their employees do it).
There might not be an english term for that ... looks like a hookaroon and felling bar combined ...

I like it :)
I - only sawing, and everything else is done loaders. To undertake cleanupsat me simply not enough time ... Yes, one goes to the hoist rope and the second rope acts as a extra insurance and helps to adjust the direction of the fall. Sometimes, especially for "cunning" of trees, I use two additional rope ...              pro-MMs  require decoding ...