How'd it go today?

nice work man!

Been up since 4:15 this morning, went to bed around 1, running off some red bull and food Lolz. Good day setting up the IN comp, hope things go quick and smooth tomorrow, supposedly only 20 climbers so it should be a fast prelim.
Dead wooded and removed hangers out of a sizeable grey pine and 4 blue oaks today. 5 hours and I am whooped.
Lady had a 30 Gal 3HP compressor her dad left behind (GRHS) and she gave it to me. I told her I would trade her some labor for it and she would not hear it. Paid me for the tree work and said she was happy the thing got a nice home. :D So I told her she was not buying any Gly-4 for a couple years ;) That made her happy. Seeing that compressor in my shop is making me really happy :D Just have to run some 220 to it :)
Nice insight into your work world Max!
I pulled the spark arrestor on my 361 and it really woke up, noise not a noticable increase at all. Your 200t will turn into a money-making-tree-eating scream machine when you pull the spark arrestor. It does get louder, but it is the sound of a pro!

Do you source your equipment in-country? We were in Odessa for quite a while in 1991/2...looks like a LOT has changed in 20 years.

I had to put the spark arrestors back in my saws in Tasmania, bush fires are a constant threat in the summer.
007.jpg Hi, Bermy! Over the last 20 years in our country is very much changed, and now Odessa is in another country - Ukraina. Equipment I bought in the store "Stihl". We now have everywhere a lot of mini, maxi, super, mega stores and other market _ .. Now is the TimeSale, and ms 361 worth 722 U.S. dollars. Thanks for the story of the spark arrester.
nice work man!

Been up since 4:15 this morning, went to bed around 1, running off some red bull and food Lolz. Good day setting up the IN comp, hope things go quick and smooth tomorrow, supposedly only 20 climbers so it should be a fast prelim.

Hi, RD! From the very beginning I watch with great interest to your career. I tell you man to man in the beginning, I thought that you are hopeless 8)... But now I have a different opinion. You are a good and hard working young man. I wish you happiness and good luck in everything!
Yeah, there was one picture where Adrian might have had his chaps on upside down. It isn't unheard of for the worst student to end up being better than his teachers.
It seems my damned computor is on the blink so at the moment I'm on Mrs Smiths machine .The damned thing won't completely boot and keeps running in circles trying to boot like a stuck record .A call is in to our guru so some time next week it will be back in service or I'll have a new one .

There's a method to reboot in safe mode but to me it had just as well be written in Chinese because it would screw me up even trying .Best to let that sleeping dog lie .I can a lot of things but pushing buttons is not my best suite .
It seems my damned computor is on the blink so at the moment I'm on Mrs Smiths machine .The damned thing won't completely boot and keeps running in circles trying to boot like a stuck record .A call is in to our guru so some time next week it will be back in service or I'll have a new one .

There's a method to reboot in safe mode but to me it had just as well be written in Chinese because it would screw me up even trying .Best to let that sleeping dog lie .I can a lot of things but pushing buttons is not my best suite .

Probably a power supply.. betting.
I don't think it's the power supply because it's got a big one .My bet is it's something in the operating system .It's been slow on the uptake for about a week and knew something was up .

The SOB starts to boot,lights flashing on the tower ,looks for various stuff like the mouse etc .Gets so far then starts all over again .

At first it came up as an error report to Micro Soft but once I hit send the damned thing kept comming up with the same report like a stuck record .Progressively it gets less and less on the boot proceedure so I figured the longer it tries the worse it will get .

Starting to pizz me off it almost seems a person needs a degree in computor science just to run the damned things .
WIth the error code I would be inclined to agree with Jack. A power supply failing will give you those symptoms on a computer you are experiencing on boot up. Ask me how I know :|: Some dust in the wrong place will kill one. If one of the cicuits drops in voltage, the memory, bootup and whatever it is connected to will not run right and boot up will fail. Cheap solution to fix. I keep upping my power supplies as I build my units and they all eventually fail. Funny how they older 300 - 400 watt do not. Just lost a 600 plus watt unit recent. I forget it's exact rating, guessing 630 -650 watts. And by my figures I am not pushing it hard. Probably a dust issue again.
Thanks for the idea .I'll give it a good blow out with air here in a short and see what that does .

If I recall correctly that praticular 'puter has an 850 watt power supply .Mrs Smiths has a 750 .I replaced both of them because the guy that built them both had 400's in them and they both failed .

Hmm now I wonder .If a fan hung up that would drive a power supply low that I know from experiance at work .Time to investigate .I've got lots of fans on these things .
Won't hurt to try, but in my past experience when they degrade each time you try to boot, they are pretty much toast. But then I don't have your electrical expertise either.
I can't help you much there Al, but there's fans and there's fans. Last one I got wasn't cheap but it's dead quiet and no trouble since.

I had another busy week so had a quiet day saturday. Worked around here all day today, the place was getting away from me but I'm catching up. Another full weekend might get it right.

Only got two jobs so far for this week and it's school holidays so I'll get a chance to do some work at my mothers place, I've been too busy lately and when I call in just end up talking.
Got a new employee, as the last p/t-er went amicably on to other ambitions.

He's a friend of Amy's from back in the day who has recently become un-engaged, and moved out of Oklahoma to Oregon. Had trouble finding any work in Eugene or Portland (Where the dream of the 90's is alive-Portland', 'where young people go to retire-Portland'). We ran into him in Eugene on our way south to California recently. He is our house guest for a few weeks, with his year old dog. Its gonna be a little tight in our small house (3 br, 1200 sq ft). A little rearranging-the home office the Amy was working out of, while the nanny cares for Dahlia is also our guest room, so now our bedroom is also our home office). Griswald, an australian mix looking dog and Rupert have already become friends, though Rupert is hesitant to turn his back on him in the house for fear that G will take a toy that Rupert hasn't shown interest in for a year or more. Rupert is also suspicious of the 2 cats stealing his bones. Fair enough, the older cat is still wary of Rupert after 5 years, so I don't think he'll be hanging with G, either.

Ross will be our gardener one day a week, and work with Erik during the week, and the two of us on weekends. That means I'm back off helping on chipping duties when I get out of the tree.

Its good when you can help a person get back on their feet, sorta like Erik, after he moved back to Ohio after his divorce. Convinced him to come back out, as he was even less happy there, gave him a place to stay for a bit, loaned him $1000 to get his apartment and some dental insurance to get a cracked tooth pulled. He's a loyal and appreciative dude that definitely goes above and beyond with his job.

Looked at 11 pull trees yesterday a mile from home, put on ground only. I'm going to go with my friend, the log hauler, today. First time I'll negotiate a price for money and Flower Bulbs for Amy.:)
Blowing the crud out the case didn't help .The fans all work .

We had a power outage a few days ago so the more it's discussed it tends to look like the power supply might be the culprit .Starts up ,almost immediately shuts off then re starts which is exactly what it did about a year when I changed the 400 watt supply to this 850 Corsair Tx 850

Is was Oct of 2011 according to Tiger direct .If I read it correctly it carries a 60 month replacement .We'll see how well they back it when I call them in the morning .

I'm thinking if they do replace it to up grade to a newer machine and transfer the operating memory,processer and larger power supply to the machine I'm typing on which is my wifes .
Oh I just think the damned things are like baby birds with their mouths opened saying feed me feed me .Kind like a boat which is a hole surrounded by water in which you throw money .