How'd it go today?

Certainly the 200T will thank you for it in a very big way. I would expect the 250 would as well, and I know the 660 can't be hurt by it, though that particular model really needs more in way of a muffler mod to begin to perform as it can and should.
Certainly the 200T will thank you for it in a very big way. I would expect the 250 would as well, and I know the 660 can't be hurt by it, though that particular model really needs more in way of a muffler mod to begin to perform as it can and should.

Thanks for the lesson! Tomorrow I expect great things, and I will rest ... We now have a 23.21 pm ... See you tomorrow!
Sleep the sleep of the just, Max :).

There are far better saw gurus here in the TreeHouse than I, and you may be certain of some good advice if you want to start a thread on a particular saw modification. The search function may well put you on the track of good info as well, as we've frequently discussed this general subject. Perusal of the chainsaw forum could be very useful to you, too.
Are you sure your saws actually have spark arrestors.
They seem to be an American thing.
I've yet to own a Stihl saw with one in it.

I think my Husky 162 that I bought in -76 had one, since then, none.
Now what I did do today was make the finishing cuts on the fireplace mantle and stain it . In addition put the 32" on the Stihl 038 mag and cut a stump off for my neighbor .About a 5 minute job .

Lawdy the poor guy must have carved on that thing twenty minutes with that Makita/Dolmar 54 cc before the saw died on him .He only had about 1/3 of a 36" stump cut .

I wish I could find about 100 rebuildable 038 Mags on the cheap .I could soup em and sell them like hot cakes .:D
It's probabley a good idea in areas of the PNW or the south with fir/pine type trees especialy during drought conditions .

Up north here even in a dry fall with fallen dry leaves if you would set them afire they wouldn't do much .Might burn the underbrush is all .In the fall it's usually too wet to set anything on fire .
I got to trim a live oak and a water oak in this awesome weather. One was a climb, the other a bucket. It's funny how much more detailed you can get in a bucket, which is really a waste of time.
I couldn't make hide nor hair of that sattelite map .Never the less in Ohio the pine trees are in the east and south which would be the fire zones I'd imagine .Plus the fact the country where it's hilly has more vast growths of trees mainly because the land is so steep it can't be farmed .

The area where I live might be at best 20 percent wooded .Perhaps slightly more depending .Fact excepting perhaps the Bonneville salt flats it's about the flattest stretch of land in the USA .The glacers from the second ice age planed it off flat as a pan cake .
We seldom have anything but very small scale forest fires, maybe a hillside goes up in flames. One in recent memory and fairly close was when some incense blew away from a grave and ignited brush. Pops never liked his daughter-in-law? Generally the hot weather months also being wet ones. Still, spark arrestors appear pretty standard on new Stihl saws.
Forest fires are a huge risk around here. Huge, we have lots and lots of them every year.

People are morons, tossing smokes, having campfires when it's like 35+celsius. But still the majority are naturally ignited from lightning.
I really think all the sparks really are is carbon burning off .So now I kind of wonder does the arrester screens cause a carbon build up in the first place ?

You know recently I peeled the souped up 200T down to the bones to replace the crank bearings and seals .That thing has a highly relieved muffler not just the screen removed .There was a slight layer of black in the piston crown but not the soft flakey stuff you normally find on the average saw. The plug was slightly brown so the carb was set correctly .Kinda makes me wonder .
So on the 9th a young lady signs a lease on my little rental effective the 15th. Her dad (from Seattle, WA) wants to know if he can refinish the wood floors before she moves in. Sure. He wants to talk dollars. I tell him I have no problem buying the supplies if he wants to provide the labor. He thinks he should be paid an hourly rate. Can't get him to commit to a maximum number of hours. Explain to him that I can't agree to an open ended arrangement like that. I finally ask him, in a slight huff, if he will do the floors for $200.00? He says Yes. Last night I go by to settle up with him before he flies home this morning. He has the receipts for the supplies (that seem reasonable and I have no problem reimbursing him for) and then he also has written down $640.00 for labor. I wrote him a check for $200.00 over the price of supplies. He wasn't happy. Said there was more work involved than expected. Said he thought I would be willing to work with him on it. So sad, too bad. We agreed on a price. I paid it. Have a nice flight home.
And a kick in the ass as he boards. What a dufus. You did the right thing man. I have two rentals, you gotta keep it as a business. Run it well and do the right thing on your end to be diligent but fair is fair and what's agreed upon is agreed upon. Any deviation from this should be discussed outright as soon as it comes up with no expectation of a change. I would be somewhat upset to receive that bill as I'm sure you were too.

Al, in 12 years in the woods I never once started a fire and I ran with no spark arrestor most all of the time. I'm not advocating this, just my experience with it.

Pruned up three Manitoba maples(up to allow light in for the newly planted trees to establish so these previously topped monstrosities can be removed in the future) and removed a decent sized so fairly smallish mountain ash today, then pruned some more norway maples and some fir and spruce for house/driveway clearance and deadwood.

Another day some more trees messed with. Booking out a solid month. Life is good but the days are long.
Maybe Dennis needs a little more worldwide exposure before going into the rental business? Good to learn the ways of Seattle along with those in Oklahoma. Just think if you had a tenant from Detroit. :O