How'd it go today?

I was going to go play in the back yard and take a tree down and got rained out today....
Seth had his BD party and some family came over. I cooked some cream of potato & leek soup (leeks from the garden :) ) and Rob baked a cake and some biscuits. Katy brought ice cream from work and he had a happy fun day with his cousins.
Back to work tomorrow....
Excellent day trip, Skwerl! That tree looks like a fun one.

Up here you can tour the USS Nautilus; the first nuclear-powered sub.
Erik, next time you go on that sub, download one of those fun geiger counter apps for your smartphone ;-) Scare the holy heck out of somebody. LOL
I had one on my phone shortly after the Japan quake. it reacted to the phone's internal gyro sensors. made the classic clicking sound and got more aggravated the more horizontal the phone is held. Pissed my mom off something fierce. :D

Kinda like this one:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Wow, that torpedo means business. I'd love to go on a submarine.
That's the Clamagore .I could tell by the sonar dome .It's one of a kind and just about the last diesel powered sub ever used .My foreman at work served aboard that one .

By the looks of that "fish" it's a MK 16 which is powered by hydrogen -peroxide via twin counter rotating set of screws and a counter rotating turbine engine that wasn't much bigger that a 5 gallon bucket and produced over 300 HP .Over 700 pounds of HBX explosives that would break a destroyer in half like an egg shell or blow the rudder right off an aircraft carrier .Bad SOB and it's obsolete now .Uboat trivia 101
Up here you can tour the USS Nautilus; the first nuclear-powered sub.
More trivia .I was aboard both the Clamagore and the Nautilus when they were both on the active duty roster .The Calmagore in KeyWest and the Nautilus in New London .

Fact is I served with some of the original crew who were then at that time senior or master chief petty officers that were on the Nautilus when it went to the north pole .Even drank a beer or three with them the last reunion I went to .Geeze those old farts are older than me .Just about as ornery too .
My understanding is that submariners are a rather elite group of people, operating extremely sophisticated technological equipment. Al, if you can disclose, were you ever stationed on a sub that carried nuclear warheads?
Sorry !I don't think I'm to neccessarily allowed to disclose the actual weapons systems .You can search on line though and pretty much figure it out .

The book "Blindmans Bluff " opened and disclosed things that upon my discharge I had assumed to be undiscussable for my life time .That was years ago and if that holds true today I'm not certain so I'll remain as ordered to .

As far that book I never met the authors but know a lot of the "cast members " personally. Fact one of them Whitey Bailey who retired as a 4 star I tipped a few beers with .He still calls me Smitty and I still call him admiral .
I asked about it because after reading a bit on the subject, I was surprised at just how many nucs a sub of the missile firing class would be carrying. A rather frightening piece of destructive power there.
Just had my day made. Got my check in for the work I did in Central Park. $1800 after taxes, $2800 before. I'm pretty happy with that to say the least:|::|::D:D
Safety dead wooded way to many Oaks today as a CC at a private school. Got the wraptor lodged in a crotch so I had to rescue it, talk about ruining your day. Every tree was tie in over 75', had to climb a ladder to tie off at the base. God bless the wraptor, although stay smart when thinking it'll lower down around that funky limb.

The whole time the other guy is just flying around in his ALC 60' rear mount just killing me. :whine:
Got all my stuff battoned down for winter except an 8-10 cord stack of oak which is still wet from rain .Graded the ruts and pot holes out of the driveway ,filled the garage rack with firewood .I'm about as ready as I'll ever be .Probabley change the fat tires on the Ranger over to the skinny ones in the morning and put the tire chains on the Fergeson .
i got called out to a cat rescue last night. 30' up a fir tree on the neighbors property. as soon as i got there he (the neighbor) started to grill me about insurance, which to be honest i never even thought of for cat rescues. finally gave me the go ahead and i had kitty down in 15 minutes.

today we started work up at Niel Young's place. 53 stone pines to raise and clear back from the driveway. there was alk of having us do full prunes on all of them:O. probly 7 days worth of work. we'll find out tomorrow. ill post some pics in the pic thread.
I'm about to leave mine outside. They're apparently too well-fed.

Val just woke me up early because we have a mouse running around the house. She's freaking out... I'm laughing hysterically, and do you know how ungraceful a fat, almost naked man chasing a mouse is? :lol:
:lol: )Oh that picture would be priceless .

Now what a minute here .So the scourge of all cats in Mass has some stowaways .Oh do tell .The cats outta the bag now might as well fess up .:)