How'd it go today?

Tough break on the wreck but lucky nobody was more serously injured .

I'm off to paint the front porch on the rental house in a short while .No big deal,tarps and a Binks number 7 spray gun and about an hour give or take .
Rest day today.

Worked with Parks M-Th, then Erik and I took down 40-some topped doug-firs, none bigger than 14" DBH. All cut and cleaned in 2 days. They were planted as a privacy screen from the road, and topped about 10-15 years ago at about 12' for the water view. All ground fells into the road with a few pull overs/ wedge overs.

Chipped a truck and a half in 11' southco box by cutting all the tops at 2" and stripping the laterals. Brought home a grapple truck of logs/ poles and two trailer loads. Now we have lots of materials and some fir firewood for starting fires and the not so cold days.

We will probably use a lot for bed edging. Some cool curved pieces from near the topping cuts. I'll maybe rip some in half. I've done this with some redwood and juniper already. Makes for good rustic edging between lawn and mulched beds. Cats like it for scratching, too. Plan on making some log framed arbors and a woodshed for the firepit down the hill from our main wood shed. Oddball shaped stuff will go down their, and regular sized wood in the wood stove wood shed. Getting rid of the occasional oddball shapes makes it easier to stack to the 8' ceiling.
Yeah, driving on no sleep is bad news! About killed my parents five years ago when mom and dad both fell asleep and ran into a metal guardrail!
Calmed down some from last night, but I'm still pissed!
Buddy called needed help working on his car, Lincoln LS, otherwise known as a Jaguar. The upper radiator hose was two rubber hoses with a "reversing valve" built in the middle of this mess. The tit for a 5/16 heater hose to the upper intake had broken off.
Can't find the part anywhere on a Saturday night, seems a dealer only item, Oriely's and Autozone couldn't even match them up with the one I had. So I grab a 5/16 double barb fitting and some J B Weld, come home drill it out and J B it.
The entire time he's been acting like a douche, doesn't want to help because he can't understand what I'm doing and "This will never work" crap. Then he starts going off because the J B is taking too long to set up, but "Well, I'm not going to spend any more money on this if I'm just going to have to replace it". Then he goes off on me about how he's going to loose his job because of this. ON and ON!
I got pissed, took the hose from him, wiped off the J B gabbed my keys and left him standing in the drive. Got some "Water seal" came back and slammed it together to get rid of both of them!
Now, he called me at 5pm, didn't get here until 5:45 and was supposed to be at work at 8pm. So don't get pissy with me when I'm working on your car, and when I am making something out of nothing and fixing a part you can't even get, shut up!
Sorry for the rant, that just really chapped my ass!
My bucket truck radiator cracked by the upper hose thingy and I JB welded it a couple of years ago. Aside from looking kind of ugly where it dripped down the radiator tank, it is holding perfectly.
Post more pics later; headed back to the ER. They found some slipped discs in Val's neck.

Oh boy.
Andy.... truly... no good deed goes unpunished. I'd have left him standing there long before that. You must be one patient SOB.
I wish. I think it was my legs that moved that center console over a few inches. It would explain why I can barely walk.

Val checked out ok; those discs were misaligned before the crash, They compared the old MRI's to today's to confirm no new damage. :)
Never one to be outdone, I told Val she's lucky I'm too sore to use the one body part I have that isn't too sore to use. :lol:
Just got back form over the river and through the woods. Kids had a great time and enjoyed the visit. My sister is looking well considering the chemo. There is a chance she may not have to get the entire series. One more PET scan will tell the tale.. So far the tumors have about shrunk to nothing or disappeared. Good news :)
Got most the weeds down in the hardest spots at the rentals before we left. That felt good to get done. The kids over there have spread a lot of crap around the place so it wraps the head pretty good from time to time from string and whatnot. Did some thinning in the garden as well of some of the storm damage from this winter. Poor smoke tree took a beating as did some other stuff. Cutting the water off it this year and thin it out some more. Kat is supposed to be giving some of it away as well. I guess some of the 100s of irises are going to be finding new homes as well.
We pretty much need to make the place more easily maintained. If it had become a vacation rental, the gardens would have been kept up on a regular cycle. Oh well..
Found out we left an FS250 out on yesterdays job site today:|:
Went by the account on the way to my mom's and picked it and a check up :D
Guess it's about bed time and I have some oaks to prune some storm damage from tomorrow.