How'd it go today?

Killed a live oak over a gazebo and pruned mistletoe out of a blue oak.
Had to tread lightly on my limb walks and take care when tossing the brush on the blue oak...:)


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Poli-sci Prof told me I got 100% again on my test today.:D Two presentations and the Final next week and another class down. Then on to micro econ for the next 7 weeks.
Keep it up Fiddler! :)

For the fall, the only classes I've locked down for the fall are Anatomy and Physiology 1 and CPR for Health Professionals. After I get my final notification, either admitting me, or declining my application to the RN program, I can finalize what my other classes will be. I'm already admitted to the CNA program, so I know what I'd most likely set my schedule as, but I'm holding off until I know what it will ultimately be.
Way to go Fiddler. I took out a campher in a back yard, over a hot tub, and pruned a couple of trees from the bucket.
I was trying to sell Willie my 5 mile secret, but he wasn't in a buying mood.
I do agree Burnham, the weather in the pnw was pretty pleasant. The little rain showers were nothing compared to our downpours and fireworks show!

Shoot, i offered to pay good money for that secret!
Great job Fiddler! Hope something finally works out for you Jason, man you are a hell of a guy, you deserve a break!
Bast of luck Jason. I'm pretty well locked in for my class schedule through next spring. several computer classes, zoology, and some natural resource things. It will be nice to have classes that actually have something to do with my degree.
Today was another scorcher. Did some flower bed edging at my neighbors house. Amazing how fast you work when you have head phones, I flew through it. Washed the truck quick, and was planning on messing around with tires for the mini. UPS tried to deliver but the wrong ones were shipped so I refused, PITA. Just minutes ago the sky turned black, thought it was 8:00 already. Nasty storm cell making it's way over. Oh shit, gotta shut this thing down.
I cut the grass here, at home, this morning, and went by the other house across town. I was just doing yard work (spraying the pool for ants) when one of the town cops told me to evacuate, if possible, because of an armed assailant on the loose. It worked for me, since I needed to make a parts run before I could begin to clean the pool anyway. :roll:
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Worked on the siding house today, tore some more off the chimney and made a trip to the dump. Not bad, but when we went to close it in I was trying to lift a 4x8 sheet of 7/16 OSB on the ladder and get it 14' in the air, I tweaked my back good. Hurts like a bitch! He wants me to work again tomorrow, we'll see how well I can move and go from there!
Today I drove to Daytona Beach to trim some palms. A very high dollar, high profile property right on the beach. Here's the Google picture of some of the palms I trimmed. I had some smaller ones on the beach side of the building that I had to get from a ladder.
I feel your pain, Andy; wrestling a 25HP electric motor in place Tuesday still hasn't left me.

Brian, wow... :thumbup: That's just the kind of property you want to be seen working at.
I'm discovering that high end landscapers often have much higher profile and much better paying jobs than most tree services. The big outfit I did this job for is also very easy to work for and they greatly appreciate my input and expertise on how treework should be done. They just ask me what I need and let me have at it. I charge them my full hourly rate with no discount and there are no questions asked, ever.
I drove to Fargo and back yesterday to go to VA Hospital appointment, About 265 miles each way, 4.5 hours. My back is sorer than if I had worked all day.
Nailed out two big firs today, was able to lay each one out. I fell one and let my employee fall the other. Fun day, almost nailed my marker at about 120'-130' out with some sweep and lean. Had to use some of my old tricks in order to load the wood in 12' lengths with the mini. Nice trees. Tomorrow a.m. I'm throwing about 60' of lombardy top at about 30' up down a narrow lane in order to finish up the job. Some of the bigger trees of late, I love the big suckers.
Nice gig Brian... :thumbup:

Slayed some nasty thick dank grass today for a B&B just up the street from me. They have like 4 properties up there. So we finish up one more road and then head for the rentals. Makes for an easy couple of days. Mostly flat also. Broke the clutch cable on the DR today... DOH!!
So I will have to go back to cut a trail once I get a replacement. Same deal with the rentals. A 2 acre field is going to have to wait. All we'll be able to do are the yards. :dontknow: Both boys went with us and had a picnic at the B&B on a nice outdoor set under a large oak. They free climbed a colter pine that they have trimmed right at ground so it is climbable. Seth went up about 10 feet. Levi stayed low and slow... :)
Made some cold cut sammiches for dinner and now have to go bathe some kiddos. :)