Good Morning!

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Well... took a vote here at the house... We are taking a day off. And the boys vote pancakes for breakfast... :D
Good morning from the funny farm... HAHAHA
The geese are herding the goats....:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Up since 3am today. Already made my days wages now just chilling with a coffee keeping the fire stoked while my girls sleep in snug as bugs. Gonna be a pancake breakfast for the kiddo and then some christmas shopping today. I just love the crowds.:(

But having a four year old helps keep the christmas excitement up, a real special year this year.
Hmm, no water flowing through my taps. Went out to the pumphouse and it appears the element in my heater gave up the ghost. I hooked up the back-up so hopefully it thaws out soon and I caught it before any damage was done.
-25C at my place right now I think that's somewhere around -10 your guys temperature. Not ridiculous but pretty damn chilly.
25 here, better start covering the taps outside, supposed to get down to 10 tonight! guess ill restock the back porch with wood and maybe load some dirt to haul away. maybe..
Aha water is back! Must have caught it in good time, I knew it hadn't been frozen long as I had used the water earlier this morning. Sometimes it's nice to get lucky.8)
funny, my buddy just called and his pumphouse froze. said he was going to comeby and get his space heater this afternoon. not supposed to get above freezing today so he might be in trouble:dur: told him to take the heat lamp away from the chickens and put it in there:D
He should do alright with a space heater, it's not that cold there. Shoot next week we're supposed to drop right down to -22f. I'm not really looking forward to that.
turn the taps off, check the truck for bottles of anything that shouldn't freeze, heck dont forget the first aid kit, any ointments or goop in there?
Good morning, my friends! My silly ass woke up at 4:30 and that was IT - I was UP! Oh well, I'll get all the sleep when I'm dead. This NetFlix is dang cool. I never watched a Heros episode in my life and now I'm watching every episode back to back. I didn't know it was such an interesting show.
I slept in myself ,up at 6:30 ,day off ya know .

I think it might be a good day to install my tire chains and snow blade on my tractor . It would have been better about 6 weeks ago before it got so danged cold out . Typical for old day late Al .:(
This NetFlix is dang cool. I never watched a Heros episode in my life and now I'm watching every episode back to back. I didn't know it was such an interesting show.

Yeah.... Love that one Boss... I am really getting into the documentaries on netflix also... Watched a great piece on Ralph Nader last night and the boys are watching Walking with the Dinosaurs right now... :D
Can't wait till the next season of Heros is available for watching.. I got hooked and watched it all so far. 8)
Snow is starting to fall, gotta head out throwing around snow again.:roll:

It's not a bad thing because it's a lot of hours as we have to be out from the beginning, they are old folks homes. Breaks are frequent, and there is no rush on my part. Kinda nice working for someone else sometimes. :|:

1-3" today, and I'm a lil more prepaired this time. Pain pills in the pocket, and plenty of layers. :)
I get to work today trimming a live oak at a doctor's office, sweet! It's a tad chilly and breezy, though. I might need to wear a jacket!
Na, its just I have 2 slipped vertebra in my lower back, which affects the muscles in my upper back between my shoulders. :/:

My upper back compensated for the curvature change in my lower, so it makes for bad posture. So the doctor said.

Being a gymnast for 8 years, humped wood for someone for 3, and motocross probably doesnt help. I have my own machines for heavy loads these days, (over 50 lb):D
Boys had me up early this am (of course being up for more than 24 hrs) and this did not go well for me or them. They are missing their mom and everything is a catastrophe. For me, I am just dang tired.
Snowing on and off and looks like it is going to clear here soon.
Going to do some domestic duties. Get ready to go and drop the boys off. Then off to see Katy and our new arrival at the hospital :)
Should be a lot of family showing up to see the new baby so I am going to be busy. :)
BB tonight ya'll :D