Good Morning!

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Yeah Yeah rub it in, hot tea and 37deg. here, better than yesterday, it was 19deg.
A balmy 22 degrees here....... and my first call is near the water in Norfolk :pissed:

At least it will be a little warmer by 9:30... gotta drop my truck off at the body shop and get the rental first.
47 here in Orlando. Just a bit chillier than Gigi, but cold enough to make everybody forget about treework. I haven't done a thing since last Wednesday and have nothing scheduled and no calls coming in. Looks like it may be after New Year's day before I work again. I guess it was a good call to take my truck in this week for service and to track down a nagging fuel problem.
LMAO, just got a call from someone looking for work. I ask him what he is qualified to do, he tells me he is experienced in tree work, removals ect. I ask, are you a climber? Yes, he says. Next question, what is your favorite knot when climbing. CLICK, he hangs up.

I love that question, it weeds em out quick.
Good morning Treehouse.
Just got out of work (midnights suck) and put the boy on the bus. Don't quite feel like sleeping just yet.
Morning all....Raining, raining, raining. Rained all night without let up and now looks to be the same.

Dogs dont even want to go outside. Supposed to change the oil on the chip truck, and replace the headlights on my wife's car, but too wet outside. Got this pruning job to go to tomorrow, hope it lets up.
I got this job as a result of another tree service overbilling and hacking the trees at this winery. So I want to make a good impression
I'm reluctant to say this, two incidents pretty close together...

A maple fell yesterday while I was in it. I had a concussion so I don't remember much about it... I do remember saying "Oh shit!". Last thing I remember thinking was, 'Yeah, those are live buds, I can climb out on that lead.' They looked live, I'd already taken two live stems off the 3 way co-dom... at was near the top of the third when it broke at the root ball, the roots were toast.

It hurt.

So far the worst thing is a painful left ACL. But my face, since I broke the fall with it, is the real spectacle. Two black eyes, busted nose, cuts and contusions, fat lip... stuff like that. Plenty of other little stuff.

I really am ashamed that this happened, I feel like an idiot. I'm super cautious about dead trees, but I will climb them if I can make it safe. I just didn't identify this tree as dead. I knew it was sick, that's why it was coming down, but it had plenty of live tissue on it.

This really sucks. If that ACL is seriously damaged I won't be climbing for a long time and this is my only income. I'm not happy.

Ps. I blame the ACL on that fact that just the other day I said out loud that I'd never had a serious knee injury. It happens EVERY time. I can think something like that but if I say something like that out loud, it happens soon after.

Chip, Man that bites. Scary stuff. Get the alternating hot and cold packs going on that knee and put a brace on it.
Was the Maple an accursed SM?
Holy Crap Blinky! :O and right before Christmas.

I would take Stumpers advice very very seriously. My wife is going in for knee surgery, and she has been dealing with knee pain for a long time.

The heat and cold, while it may be a hassle is real essential for healing.
Good karma and healing thoughts coming your way, my friend. I've had the roots shift on me once while in a tree, it was many years ago and luckily the tree did not go over. But it certainly scared the crap out of me and made me a lot more mindful of inspecting root crowns before climbing questionable trees.

Heal fast and strong, Chip. :)
Chip, Man that bites. Scary stuff. Get the alternating hot and cold packs going on that knee and put a brace on it.
Was the Maple an accursed SM?

Heat isn't generally recomended for the first 48 hours. The first 48 you RICE it.


Ice it for 20-30 minutes every 3-4 hours for the first two days.

Per my First Aid joke of a class.
Thanks LJ.
I remember now, you want to reduce the amount of swelling and excessive blood building up in the affected area right after the injury.

Then later you need lots of blood flow to 'wash' out the toxins and promote healing

I guess our bodies are hyperactive with the white blood cell production
Thank you folks. Yep Justin, Sugar maple. It's been hard to ice it because I can barely walk and i live alone. I'm going out for a 30# bag right now and I'll keep it in my water cooler by the bed.

It sucks being single and 47... it wasn't supposed to work out this way.

Thanks again for the good vibes.
Wow Blink... heal up dude...

I know how you feel on the " wasn't supposed to work out this way." gig. But trust me... things change... :)

Here's to a speedy recovery on that knee.

Thanks everyone. My wife is getting better. She is still somewhat groggy acting as of yesterday but improving.