Good Morning!

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It's almost over. Should be blown out by 4 pm.

Nothing major,
The supe is going to check it out and call me if it's worth the drive.

2 box trucks flipped on the San Rafael Bridge stopping traffic, lots of creek floods.
Windy as all get out,

San Mateo bridge was closed too.
I've gotten 3 calls this morning one for a bid for a blown over tree about a hours drive away, one for a tree that is "teetering", if it blows over she wants me to come and remove it, if it survives the wind she wants for me to come and trim it. The other call was the blood bank wanting my blood.
I have not got any calls 'yet' for storm work, but the calls usually come in when folks get home from work. We will see.

I don't have a chip truck, but my friend does so I will be o.k.
G'mornin Tree House! I'm off to murder 3 trees this morning. I'm looking forward to running the big saws and cutting some substantial wood today. :D

I got my truck out of the shop yesterday with all new injectors and it ran great for about an hour, then started missing again. :cry: I'm about to give up at this point. I've run 40 gallons of fuel through it since these problems started and I've added several types and brands of fuel additives/ sludge eliminators/ cetane boosters to the fuel as well. Both fuel filters have been changed twice, the aftermarket fuel heater has been removed, all the fuel lines have been replaced. I was only a few miles from the yard when it started missing again yesterday so I just went and parked it. I'll change the fuel filters one more time after work today and if that doesn't work then I may just park the damn thing and start shopping for a new truck.

See you folks later! :)
I'm about to slay some trees myself! Heck, it's the only danged day I'll work this week! :cry:

That's OK, next week should make up for it. 'Tis a shitty season for sure!
I guess I've called 20 companies for work in the last 3 weeks. Finally got 2 days in with two different companies. A high roller wants to hire me on at double what I've ever been offered anywhere, an astounding yearly rate almost 6 figures. The other companies offered Ice storm work. Tree work is surely slow round here.
I'm off to a nice house where the husband and wife don't agree on the trees. The husband wants to remove most of them and the wife wants to maybe deadwood them and remove any obviously dead trees and no more. First I have a group of guys that I have coffee with every Friday. Sorry about your truck skwerl. I'm still getting by on my motor that leaks combustion gases into the cooling system and I have purchased a Cat 3208 motor to replace it. It has gotten real busy after Christmas so i have put off changing the motor. I can't believe my old one is still running.
Good morning Tree House! Is everybody still sleeping? Nobody has posted anything in the last 2 hours. :whine:

A little chilly here this morning. I'm waiting for a phone call from my latest mechanic and also hoping to collect some past due money this afternoon. Work is scary dead this year (although last January was pretty slow as well).
It's dead as hell here, too. Jan was never any good, and it looks like this Jan will be no different. I haven't worked a 5 day week since my foot incident. :(
Ticking over with work here. Was going to check on the guys finishing off a big oak takedown this morning.....then my daughter decided to throw up all over me, ahh, the joys of parenthood. So stuck at home cleaning up puke! Now it's coming out the other end too....
im here, the house slow for anyone else?
went to a city tree committee meeting last night. i was asked to join ut i think ill try and see more of what its about first
Willie, I had some issues this morning with a couple of my favorite sites. I've figured out that when Bill Gates issues software updates to Windows/ IE and I ignore the requests to reboot, he will gradually slow down my computer until I have no option but to reboot. Then everything works a lot better until he decides that my operating system needs updating again. :roll:
November and December were super slow for me and since Christmas it has been super busy. Just when my checking account gets comfortable I get a check from a co-op for almost 3K that is a pay out from a revolving fund from when I used to farm. They have had my money since 1989. I paid taxes on it in 1989. The storm surge may be over. I haven't had a call for a couple of days, and my last booked job was yesterday. I have a couple of unfinished details on jobs that I can take care of today and I may go pickup my new truck motor.
Sittin' here at my "real" job... checkin' in.

Havin' coffee... :coffee2: :morning: I'm draggin' ass this mornin'.

I have not had a tree job in dang near 6 months. With my back screwed up I have had to kind of take it easy... which I don't know how to do very well...

My rear is draggin also. Sunday I rested all day, only went outside to get wood for the fireplace, never even got dressed. Ate all day. I must be like a camel because yesterday I didn't eat all day until I got home and I was never really hungry. The lady at the job yesterday gave me a jar of pickled vegetables; carrots, broccolli, cauliflower, artichokes, and assorted other stuff. Freakin gross man.
chilly out this morning, icey roads but the wind blew the clouds away! :) for now.... off to do some pruning of little trees.
It's officially morning here - after 1am.

Paul - did you get a phone call from a lady yesterday about a dying Japanese Maple? Figured you were the best one to handle it.
TGW, I have 5 messages on the phone from yesterday, will check them soon, thanks for the referral! :)

are you and Treeguy going to the tradeshow next week? I will probably be there both days.