Good Morning!

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well i dropped the dough on a website yesterday (thaks for the refferal gigi!). supposed to have some phone conference tues morn. could take 90 days to complete though
Paul - yes, that's the plan. We'll have to see how it turns out though.
cool, maybe I will see you there. The japanese maple lady referral I called and talked to for a few minutes, gave her the info I could and let her know what it costs for a site visit, I think she got the info she needed to figure out her situation. :) a freebie. thats good for karma right?

Thanks again for the referral!
Good morning everyone, it's fricking raining here. I had three live oaks to trim but I don't think that will happen. Trimming wet trees is a young man's game, if anyones. Live oaks can be slippery as owl snot!!!
I wanna call the tech people today, but my new lease isn't showing up at my bank yet and they won't help me until they can see that I've paid up for another year. I'll keep checking, it might show up at any moment - THEN I can get on the horn with the techs.

Anybody fixing breakfast?
Just coffee here, as usual. It helps me get each day off to a 'fresh start' if you know what I mean. ;)

Another day waiting for me today. Waiting for the mail, waiting for a phone call. I may go see if one of my saws needs cleaning again. I think they are all serviced and sharp but I may have missed one...
Morning Butch, and all, nothing here, I'll grab a milk and a sausage biscuit on the way to work.
Good morning, Housers! I'm just sitting here in front of the Optometrist's office. Time to get the eyes checked and some new glasses. I am not putting that much faith in my old Threadlock and super glue repair. :lol:
Monday,10:30 I had a rare occasion,the entire week end off .In a short ,I'm going to attack a wood splitter that doesn't want to behave it's self and then haul the ashes out of the wood stove.Nothing earth shattering.

Oh yes,snipe a parts saw later on from e-bay unless somebody gets in before me.No big deal any way,they have many and I have time to wait.:)
aww man, the snow plow thread is gone and i actuallyhave a plow picture:( a pretty before and a lousy after shot:)


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Coffee here too... :coffee2:

Sittin' at my "real" job, and checkin' in.

Just got word yesterday, that I might have got a higher payin' job.

I put in for the job back in November. It will be a significant pay raise when all is said and done.

I am waiting for the HR Office to call me with a start date. Should be the end of February. This will be a great new start for me and my girls. :)

I find during cold weather that my mornihgs do get rather lengthy before I get in gear.

I fiddled with that damned hydraulic pump on the splitter but lost my patience and ordered another one.Good grief that woman at Northern Hydraulics must second as a telemarketer.Tried to sell me every thing under the sun.Gee for a paltry 50 some bucks a year I get free shipping, and a special catalog,BFD .For a measely 36 bucks I get a 3 year warrentee on a pump that only cost 118 .:what: P T Barnum is dead but his spirit lives on evidently.