gf beranek
Old Schooler
Inconvenience store? Ha!
About 10 years ago when I quit drinking soda I stopped going into convenience stores completely. I had already given up beer and cigarettes, so there was nothing in there for me. I bought all my supplies at the grocery store and packed a cooler every day with bottled water and Gatorade. About 75c per bottle instead of $2 each, and water was only 16c per bottle instead of $1.19.Gas stations profit on the junk, not the gas. Buying gas with the card is a good way to stay right out of those places.
Pretty good food, cheap gas, and bathrooms.
You don't have to eat cheap bachelor lunches. Make extra dinner. Have solid leftovers.
I chuckle to myself, reading about stopping at the corner store or eating out during the work day.
Does no one else have a job, as I did, where your daily work was out in places where it would be an hour plus drive to get to somewhere that you could buy ANYTHING?
I am an 'effin dinosaur, sure as ....
Groundies usually don't have the skill to be paid enough to afford others to prep, cook, and clean for them, regularly, IME. Doesn't stop them.
But but but, it is urban forestry, you know...I chuckle to myself, reading about stopping at the corner store or eating out during the work day.
Does no one else have a job, as I did, where your daily work was out in places where it would be an hour plus drive to get to somewhere that you could buy ANYTHING?
I am an 'effin dinosaur, sure as ....